Ava: Defying Terror

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Reviewed by Key-Keeper Ava Avocados12

Title: Defying Terror
Author: faintplanes


The cover is boring. It doesn’t intrigue readers. I strongly suggest change.


The blurb is great! It sums up your story in an interesting way. Maybe try adding a hook at the start but
otherwise it is perfect.


The title is okay but it could be better. Try to think of something more intriguing to pull readers in.


I love this plot! It is so interesting. I think I will read this after exam season when I actually have time for
a life.

Character Development:

The character development is pretty good, but I have some suggestions. You have described other
character’s appearances nicely, but don’t forget about Slater. Also, Slater’s emotions are there, but not
detailed enough. Sure he’s confused and scared, but you’ve just told that, you need to show them. For
example, when Slater runs to the lighthouse and he starts disappearing, he should be terrified! Any sane
person would be if they started to become transparent.

Spelling and Grammar:

There are little to no spelling/grammatical errors! Great work!


Other Comments:
This story is super original and interesting! I can’t wait to read it!

Your strength:
Description of scene and pace.
All the scenes and surroundings are beautifully described, I feel as if I’m standing right beside Slater,
taking it all in. Your pace is excellent, not too fast but not too slow.

Your weakness: Emotions.
Slaters emotions are really important because they humanise him and make the readers care about him.
Make sure with emotions you show, not tell. Emotions are crucial for any character.

Overall, this book is awesome, one of the best books I have reviewed so far! Please keep writing, I can’t
wait to read.

-Key-keeper Ava

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