one // wrist

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strangers obliviously brush pass my shoulder as i roam the train station alongside niall. i feel weak constantly following beside him like a lost puppy, but he loves me and i love him. i'd give him the world just to make the hard look on his beautiful face soften into a smile.

the two of us travel in an uncomfortable silence to our train stop. voices happily chatter around me creating a pang of jealousy inside my chest. couples cuddling and holding the other's hand with love, looking at one another with adoration. why can't niall and i be like that? why is it so difficult for niall to express emotions outside of anger?

my boots stumble over one another as niall drags me over to the blue bench at our train stop. he glances over his shoulder like my presence is weighing him down and looks straight ahead of himself again, leaving me back to blending within the background. loneliness has become something i know quite well. more than i know about myself, to be honest.

we both take a seat on the beach. niall's fingers untangle from my wrist giving my blood the freedom of running through my veins again. i drop my bag and rub at the wool sleeves of my sweater happy to be able to breathe.

who knew silence could be so deafening? my ears tune into the meaningless conversations and trains, my eyes scanning over all the diverse faces. i've always wanted a variety of people to surround myself with. but ever since i turned fifteen, niall has always been there and i know he'll never contemplate leaving.

an uncomfortable feeling settles over me like a shiver running down my spine. someone's watching me. my eyes quickly dart around my train stop until they land on a boy. he stands on the other side of the train track, leaning against the rail. he nervously nibbles on his bottom lip and runs a hand through his hair before looking back down at his ipod.

my eyes curiously glue onto the boy until the train comes rolling in, blocking my view. and the familiar fingers tighten around my wrist announcing that it's time to leave.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now