fourteen // mocha

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niall doesn't grab onto my wrist as we walk into the train station, but i know that a few hours later he'll turn back to his normal sour, protective mood. everytime he loses himself and hurts me, he lightens up his mood as an apology.

"can i order coffee?" i quietly ask him. he looks at the coffee shop in the train station and nods.

"i'll wait for you at the bench," niall says before surprisingly walking off without me. wow, he trusts me? well, maybe that's just another new side effect of him feeling bad.

the bells chime together as i enter the coffee shop. the sweet aroma of whip cream and coffee beans fill my nostrils. i walk to the counter with a small smile on my face, ordering a mocha.

waiting for my order, i walk over to the small table. i nervously fiddle with my thumbs waiting for the cashier to call my name when my phone vibrates in my pocket.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now