sixteen // music

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from: ashton
to: elle

hi :) xx


from: elle
to: ashton



from: ashton
to: elle

man y can't i have a better greeting than that? lol


from: elle
to: ashton

haha. sorry i just woke up.


from: ashton
to: elle

srry. did i wake u?


from: elle
to: ashton

don't worry about it. haha. sorry about this morning. you were probably confused.


from: ashton
to: elle

yeah lol. it's okay we all have our moments.


from: elle
to: ashton

thanks for understanding c:


from: ashton
to: elle

yeah. well, i have a question.


from: elle
to: ashton

i might have an answer


from: ashton
to: elle

do you like music?


from: elle
to: ashton

haha. duh! what kind of question is that?


from: ashton
to: elle

lol yeah. um... i found a rlly awesome music store and i was wondering if u would like to go with me. we could walk around town and get coffee too!


from: elle
to: ashton

maybe. i'll think about it, k?


from: ashton
to: elle

okay :/


from: elle
to: ashton

come on, it's not a no c:


from: ashton
to: elle

yeah. well i'll send u back to sleep.


from: elle
to: ashton

haha thanks. night, ash.


from: ashton
to: elle

ash? lol my friends call me that. sweet dreams, babe xx



xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now