twenty // fired

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the weather feels more cold than usual on my way to the train station a second time for the day. carrying a folder full of paperwork, i trudge to the train station. my back hurts from slouching the whole class, but no one can really blame me. i was a tired wreck and the boring lecture wasn't helping.

my phone buzzes in my pocket as i walk down the street. i stop at the end of the road and wip out my phone.


from: ash
to: elle

hey! just checking up on you xx


from: elle
to: ash

hi! i'm heading to the train station.


from: ash
to: elle

same :)


from: elle
to: ash

really? i've never seen you on it at this time before.


from: ash
to: elle

yeah, well, i got fired...


from: elle
to: ash

what!?!? that's stupid. they're loss.


from: ash
to: elle

lol. yeah. thx :)


from: elle
to: ash

you know what sounds nice?


from: elle
to: ash

going to that music store you were talking about, walking around town and drinking coffee c;


from: ash
to: elle

one day...


from: elle
to: ash



from: ash
to: elle

come on, it's not a no :)


from: elle
to: ash



from: ash
to: elle

lol. i had to. see you soon, babe xx

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now