forty-eight // love

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"are you okay?" ashton asks. we sit in his living room with a box of a dozen doughnuts even though a rock feels like it has sunk to the bottom of my stomach. maybe all of this is a good thing. maybe this is all showing me how bad of a person niall really is. but that doesn't mean none of this stops hurting me.

"do i look okay?" my words come out harsher than intended.

ashton bites his lip, "yeah, that was a stupid question."

i force a smile on my face, "i'm sorry, ash. i'm being a bit uptight."

"nah, i can imagine what you're feeling right now," ashton says, pulling at his sleeves. he looks back up at me and nervously smiles, "i was in love once. well, my mom told me i wasn't, but i think i was."

"really? with who?" i ask.

"a girl in high school. she was in my homeroom and she had really pretty green eyes. we became friends overtime and then a year later i realized that it was more than just a crush. but she went out with some other guy and moved away three months later. and i never talked to her ever again."

"wow... i'm sorry, ash." i tell him since that's the only thing that seems to come into mind. i've never been a pro at comforting people.

"it's fine," he smiles at me, "i'm only nineteen-years-old. i have a long time to fall in love again."

"you're nineteen?" he nods before shoving the rest of his raspberry doughnut in his mouth. i laugh, "wow, i really don't know anything about you."

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now