six // 3AM

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the clock shows 3AM when i wake up. i sit up and look out into the darkness. the moonlight shines through the curtain barely forming a light throughout the bedroom. i glance over at niall's sleeping figure before getting up from the bed and bringing my cell phone with me.

my bare feet walk across the carpeted floor to the waste bin. i know i shouldn't but it's eating me alive. i can't go to sleep knowing that for once someone wanted to get to know me. reaching into the waste bin, i pull out the white piece of paper.

my fingers tap against the keyboard, typing out ashton's ten digits. before pressing send, i breathed in and out.


from: elle
to: ashton

hello c: it's me, elle, from the train station


A/N: this is a rewrite. wattpad deleted my original chapter -cries-

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now