fifty-six // deflated

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the heat from my coffee cup warms my hands through my mittens. one foot in front of the other, i walk through town, trying to keep my mind off the things that don't matter and try to admire my surroundings. but it's really hard when every little thing seems to remind me of niall. it's like he's everywhere. it's like our memories are wrapped around this whole entire town. i just wish i could get amnesia and wake up forgetting how it feels to be hugged or kissed by him so i won't have to miss it.

ash's back at the house. i told him that i wanted to be on my own for a while so i could clear out my head. so far, nothing has been cleared out and now i just feel like a completely deflated balloon.

i push open the door to the music store, welcomed to the sound of the same guy playing the bass.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now