thirty-three // comfortable

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"this is my favourite doughnut shop," ashton says, pointing at the shop, "it's warm inside, too."

"let's go inside," i suggest.

"music first," ashton reminds me. i nod, "well, uh, unless you want to go inside and get a doughnut. that's fine with me."

i roll my eyes, smiling, "it's cool, really. come on, let's go."

ashton smiles at me before shoving his hands in his pockets and leading the way.

"so..." i say, attempting to spark up a conversation, "when did you move over here?"

"seven months ago," he replies. a thirty second period of silence passes by before he asks, "you?"

"a year ago,"

"boring, isn't it?"

"kind of," i admit, "kind of lame waking up to the same thing every day, but i'm sort of used to it by now. i don't really think i'm stable enough to see more."

"don't tell me you're a psychopath,"

i laugh as we turn a corner, "and what if i am?"

"i'd probably run like i do with everybody else,"

"hm, ashton, i'm not everybody else."

he smiles before pointing at a hotel and talking about living inside of it for two, horrid months. it's cute how he introduces me to different shops and houses pointing out various stories. the whole walk, i listen to him get excited over small things, but then his smile fades and he buries his hands in his pockets and apologises for getting out of hand, which makes me sad that at some point someone told him that they don't care about what he says when i matter of fact do.

usually i'm the ashton in a situation but something is different about him. he makes me feel so comfortable.



xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now