sixty-three // plead

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"oh, so i see who you've been hanging out with," niall pulls his attention away from me and coldly stares at ashton. fear takes over me. i've seen how outrageous niall can get when he's jealous, especially on who he's jealous of.

ashton backs up and nervously looks down at his sleeves. i feel so bad for him. he looks like he's close to shaking.

"leave him alone, niall," niall ignores me.

"you've probably been fucking around with my girlfriend, haven't you?" niall shoves ashton in the chest.

he stumbles back a bit, still looking down at his sleeves, "no."

his voice comes out barely heard, which causes a smile to spread on niall's face, "what?"

ashton face slowly reddens, "i said no."

"niall, leave him alone," i plead, grabbing onto his arm. if niall hurts ashton, i wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

he laughs, "how old are you? sixteen?"

"just leave us alone," ashton quietly says, avoiding eye contact with niall.

"niall -"

niall angrily turns around to me, "can you shut up?"

"don't talk to her like that," ashton says coldly, startling the two of us. i look around, making sure it was the adorable, shy ashton who said that.

"i don't think you know who you're talking to, pretty boy," niall laughs.

ashton clenches his fist, "i'm not scared of you,"

"yeah, right," niall scoffs before roughly gripping ashton by the collar of his black and grey jacket. in a split second, ashton drops his water bottle and his fist comes flying out at niall's nose.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now