nineteen // pretty

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the train station feels weird without niall beside me, tightly gripping on my wrist. maybe things would be easier if i didn't have niall tightly grabbing onto me all the time. but i know that i wouldn't be able to survive without niall. he's the only one who understood me in high school.

my phone buzzes as i enter the coffee shop in the train station, breathing in its scent. i pull out my phone, walking up to the counter.


from: ash
to: elle

good morning :) xx


from: elle
to: ash

morning, ashton. how are you?


from: ash
to: elle

good! where's ur bf?


from: elle
to: ash

he's sick... are you stalking me again?


from: ash
to: elle

no... maybe.


from: elle
to: ash

haha. why can't you just come inside? i'm not as scary as i seem!


from: ash
to: elle

yeah, well, i'm awkward...


from: elle
to: ash

me, too, but you wanted to go out last night? and you talked to niall and i.


from: ash
to: elle

yeah, um, i was a bit drunk... and it was easier bc ur bf was there and he doesn't rlly make me scared like u do.


from: elle
to: ash

i make you scared!? haha! why!?


from: ash
to: elle

cos ur a girl and ur pretty...


from: elle
to: ash

haha. thank you, ash.


from: ash
to: elle

ur welcome, babe xx


xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now