sixty-two // crazy

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"where have you been? i've been calling you like crazy!" niall says. he tightly grips my wrist.

i try yanking away from him, "get off of me, niall!"

"where have you been?" niall speaks louder. other people curiously glance over at us, but i'm too pissed off to care.

"why does it matter? you're too busy with that blonde girl." niall pulls his hand away from me.

"what the hell do you think you're talking about?"

"i saw you with her," tears fill in my eyes against my will, "and i went back to the house and saw her in our bed."

"that's none of your business," niall says. he brings his face close to mine. i try backing up further without bumping into someone, "and you don't know anything."

"w-what's going on?" i turn around to ashton nervously pulling at his grey sleeves.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now