fifty-two // nosy

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what the hell? i pick up one bottle and scan my eyes over it even though it's none of my business. ashton irwin is printed on the bottle in caps on top of the instructions to take two to three times per day with food. my eyes travel lower to the word lithium. what is that even? i mentally write down the word in my head before placing the bottle back into the mirror cabinet.

picking up the four other bottles, i read more medications that i've never heard of. this possibly couldn't be as bad as i think it is, but i never knew ashton was on medication... more than one that is. well, i've only known him for a week. that's not really a conversation someone really pulls up when they're just meeting someone. gosh, i feel so nosy.

"w-what are you doing?" i turn around to a red faced ashton.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now