twenty-six // weird

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"no one, michael. go back inside." ashton mumbles, attempting to shove pass his best friend.

michael blocks him and smiles at me, "you must be elle!"

"yeah," i reply, giving him a small smile.

michael drags ashton down the steps and over to me, "i'm michael, ashton's best friend."

"nice to meet you," i say. i wonder how much ashton has told michael about me. speaking of ashton, he's awkwardly standing behind michael like i'll leap out and attack any second. is he really that terrified of me?

"i love your hair," michael says, "they're like dyed ramen noodles."

i laugh, "i like your hair, too,"

"y-you s-should go," ashton says.

"stop acting weird, ash." michael rolls his eyes and turns to me, smiling, "come on in, el! can i call you that?"

"yeah," i smile. el, i like it. he seems nice.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now