thirty // normal

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from: ash
to: elle

i'm srry about 2day... xx


from: elle
to: ash

me, too. i shouldn't have followed you, that was such a stupid idea.


from: ash
to: elle

it's like we constantly keep fucking up.


from: elle
to: ash

haha. why can't we just hang out face-to-face like normal people?


from: ash
to: elle

cos we're not normal ppl?


from: elle
to: ash

you're right. haha.


from: ash
to: elle

2morrow i'm taking u to that music store and ur gonna like it.


from: elle
to: ash

whoa, are you drunk?


from: ash
to: elle

no. i'm just tired of being all stupid and scared. i really like you, elle.


from: ash
to: elle

as a friend... srry, if i creeped u out.


from: elle
to: ash

no, it's okay. i'll skip my morning class, we'll meet up at the train station, and you'll show me that amazing music store. no backing out, k?


from: ash
to: elle



from: elle
to: ash

night, ash. xx


from: ash
to: elle

sweet dreams, babe xx

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now