fifty-nine // milkshakes

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on the way back to ashton's house, i take the long way and stop by the diner and order two banana milkshake to go for ashton and i. i also stop by the doughnut shop and order a dozen before heading to the house. it's kind of like a lame 'thank you' gift, but ash deserves it.

the door flies open to michael when i knock on it. he smiles at me, "hey,"

"aren't you supposed to be at work?" i ask.

he closes the door behind me, "why? you don't like me being here?"

i laugh, "no, that's not what i meant,"

"i know, and i traded shifts with a friend for every sunday so i can be around to bug ash more."

"you don't have to be here to do that, michael," i hear ashton shout from the living room. he sits in the middle of the floor on a bean bag chair, watching a film on the screen.

"elle's back!" michael shouts, walking off to the living room to join ashton, "with food!"

"it's not like i didn't realize that when you started talking to yoursel- ARE THOSE BANANA MILKSHAKES?"

"yes, yes they are," he jumps up from the bean bag and runs to me.

"i think i'm going to cry," ashton says. he grabs the cup and sips from the straw, "oh god, i'm going to die."

i laugh, "i have some doughnuts, too,"

"i love you, el," michael says before opening the box.

"it was just kind of a way to say thank you," i tell them. michael coos while ashton literally swallows his milkshake in one gulp.

"you're welcome," ashton smiles, "are you going to drink that?"

i playfully roll my eyes and hand him the milkshake. he can really drink a lot. he gulps down the other banana milkshake in no time before sitting down on the couch with michael. a smile tugs on my lips. for once, i feel really happy. maybe tomorrow won't be as bad as i thought.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now