twenty-two // stalk

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what am i doing? this is probably the most stupid thing i've done. it's up to ash to stalk me, not the other way around.

the way to ashton's house is longer than expected. he walks slowly, fiddling with his thumbs and playing with his sleeves as he takes small steps down the sidewalk to his house. why is he taking his sweet time?

the sun is setting by now. i should've stayed on the train instead of idiotically following ashton off when he wasn't paying attention. but i was curious of what his house looked like and maybe i could sneak up on him and force him into talking.

this is my only chance. now that niall isn't around me i have a chance to talk to ashton without worrying that my boyfriend will hurt me.

i stumble over a rock causing ashton to stop walking and turn around. before he has a chance to see me, i duck and roll behind a random car.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now