forty-five // home

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"what if he drives up while we're in the house?" ashton asks. he nervously pulls on his sleeves as i unlock the front door. i ignore him, "what if he goes insane and starts swinging?"

"then you'd attack him, right?" the door unlocks welcoming me into my home - or used to be home. i don't know what anything is anymore. i don't even know if niall's my boyfriend anymore. it's crazy that i have to contemplate whether i'll leave him or not.

"uh..." ashton pulls the sleeves of his jacket over his hands, "i'd call the police instead."

"gee, thanks, ash," walking inside the house, i flick the hallway light on and step inside. ashton follows close behind me and as we walk up the stairs to my bedroom. honestly, i am a bit scared of niall pulling into the driveway and seeing me with ashton. he has no idea that i saw him at the coffee shop and he'd probably go off. i shouldn't care because niall really hurt me, but at the same time i want him to tell me that she means nothing to him and wrap his arms around me.

opening the door, i blink my tears away.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now