fifty-seven // piano

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i take a sip from my coffee cup as i walk through the different aisles of instruments. i've never been a very musical person, but i did learn how to play the piano when i was in middle school.

the volume of the boy's bass guitar adds up as i come closer to the piano section. various types of pianos make up the section, making it harder to just sit down and play.

sitting down on the rectangular black chair in front of the grand piano brings back a lot of middle school memories. i remember how my parents talked me into taking up lessons just so i'd have something to do while they're off at work, but i actually ended up loving it. after graduating middle school, the piano kind of slipped my mind and i never ended up playing it again.

without contemplating my movements, my hands angrily fly across the black and white keys, making out the melody of numb by linkin park.

"whoa..." i hear an unfamiliar voice gasp in astonishment. i quickly turn my head around to a tan skinned boy with dark brown hair tucked under a grey beanie. he stood gaping at me with a bass guitar strapped around his body, "you're really good."

my face heats up. i hate when strangers stare at me, "thanks... i guess."

"i know who you are!" he says, pointing a finger at me. the stranger sits down beside me like i invited him, "i remember you because of your hair. i see you in class every wednesday and friday and you came in the other day with your boyfriend."

"boyfriend? oh, no. he's not my boyfriend." i scoot away to get some space. i hate talking to people. what if i say something wrong and he hates me? what if he hurts me?

"oh, sorry, i thought he was your boyfriend." he quickly apologizes before going back to talking, "he hates me, though. he was listening to music one day so i came over and tried to introduce myself but he ran away. literally. i'm surprised he ever came back."

"he's not really comfortable around new people," i explain.

"ah, that makes sense," i nod and turn back to the piano keys. hopefully he gets the idea that i'm not in the mood for talking to anyone right now and leaves.

"my name is calum, by the way," he says. just my luck.

"nice to meet you. i'm elle."

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now