twenty-one // glaring

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from: elle
to: ash

it's weird how you're two seats away from me and you won't talk to me. -_-


from: ash
to: elle

yeah, but i literal suck at being social...


from: elle
to: ash

same... i'm glaring at you.


he glances behind himself and laughs at my glare before turning back around.


from: ash
to: elle

nice xx


from: elle
to: ash

i know it's hard having a conversation with people but you know, i'm not going to judge you. believe me, i have nothing to judge you about.


from: ash
to: elle

yeah. one day...


from: elle
to: ash

-_- i hate you.


from: ash
to: elle

i'm srry. i just rlly hate holding conversations with ppl. i tried with u and niall bc my best friend talked me into it and made me feel bad about feeling bad about being scared to talk to u. but even then i was panicking and after a while i had to move bc i felt like i was going to puke. i mostly hate everyone before i meet them. it's just that u seemed nice and i told my best friend about u and he said that i need to stop being a pussy so... i'm srry if i'm randomly being a pussy again but i'm just too scared. pls don't hate me...


from: elle
to: ash

ash... i was joking.


from: ash
to: elle

oh. wow, i'm an idiot. this is y i don't talk to ppl.


from: elle
to: ash

you're taking it too hard, ash...


from: ash
to: elle

i have a question.


from: elle
to: ash

i might have an answer.


from: ash
to: elle

when ur bf comes back, will u go back to barely talking to me??


from: elle
to: ash

... what?


from: ash
to: elle

it's just that u seemed cool and then when ur bf is around u act weird... y is that?


from: elle
to: ash

i don't know what you're talking about.


from: ash
to: elle

never mind. my stop is next. i'll txt u 2morrow.


from: elle
to: ash

goodbye, ash.


from: ash
to: elle

bye, babe xx


xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now