thirteen // sorry

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my face scrunches up at the bruises and scratches covering my waist, thighs and stomach. a noticeable blueish purple bruise covers my jaw. i know it's going to take all the makeup in the world to cover it up. i'll just wear a scarf.

tears fill up in my eyes as i relive last night. i don't feel like going to my classes, but i've already skipped so many. it took dad a lot to raise the money for uni, i just can't keep skipping classes because niall can't control his anger.

niall knocks on the door, startling me. i slowly turn to the door, "yes?"

"can i come in?" my heart melts at the softness in his voice. i unlock the door to niall. he looks at me with sad eyes before wrapping his arms around me. niall nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck, "i'm so sorry, elle."

a smile pulls on my lips, "it's okay. i shouldn't have texted him."

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now