forty-seven // emotional

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the girl gasps and quickly jumps up from the bed, "um, elle, i was just leaving..."

"you know my name?" anger boils inside of me. she knows of my existence yet she still thought it'd be okay to mess around with my boyfriend a little? what kind of person is she? besides her gorgeous looks, what does niall see in her?

"i'm sorry," she says, attempting to fix her bleached blonde hair.

"um, w-we should p-probably leave," ashton stutters, tugging on my arm.

i snatch my arm away from him, "you know who i am yet you still went with him? my boyfriend?"

"it's just that... it's a long story. i didn't know at first and then i found out an-" i cut off her off.

"and you still went out with him?" i laugh to conceal all the pain i feel inside, "why... just... why would you do that? i'm a person with feelings. i loved him. i still love him. i'm in love with him. and then you just go out with him like it wouldn't matter."

she sighs, "you're right. i'm sorry."

"no. save it. whatever. i don't care anymore. well, i do, but i shouldn't. just... whatever. you can have him, okay? it's over." i grip the handle of my suitcase and shove pass ashton, running down the staircase. i'm so tired of crying, but sadness feels like the only emotion i can express right now. even anger is sort of difficult to show. i just wish i could stop being so damn emotional and forget all about him.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now