seventy-two // lecture

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during the lecture, i zone out and stare at the back of niall's head. my heart aches at his words. in my head, i thought i'd be the walking away from niall, leaving him brokenhearted, but it turned out to be the opposite.

"hey," a voice whispers, startling me. i jump and turn to calum. i want to roll my eyes at him. instead i smile. he smiles back, "how are you?"

i bring a finger to my lips and motion towards the professor lecturing us as if to tell him i'm listening, which i'm not. he rolls his eyes with a small smile before turning away and leaning back in his chair.

my eyes travel back to the back of niall's head. how could he be so rude? i personally broke up with him and he couldn't careless.

a sigh escapes my lips when calum pushes his notebook over to me. i flash him an annoyed look before glancing down at his notebook.

• hello!!

i jot down 'hey. happy birthday.' before passing his notebook back over to him.

• thanks. are you coming to my party fri.?
• maybe
• is your boyfriend coming?
• he's not my boyfriend and he asked if he could invite his friend
• i don't really care unless he's not crazy or something
• okay lol
• so does that mean you're coming?

i bite down on my lip and look at the back of niall's head again, thinking. i probably shouldn't say yes, but just because niall's a jerk doesn't mean that i can't have fun, right? every party i've attended, niall was by my side, tightly gripping onto my wrist, even at my sister's eleventh birthday party. this will be my first time to do whatever i want whenever i feel like it without the opinion of niall or my parents.

my pen scribbles down 'of course' before i push calum's notebook back over to him.


A/N: i'm updating a lot bc i finished the book c:

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now