fifty-three // guilty

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"uhh..." english slips out of my mind as i try shoving all his bottles of pills back into his medicine cabinet. i've never seen him so pissed off before. well, the only two emotions i've ever seen on ashton is fear and happiness.

he runs a hand over his face out of frustration, pushing back the front of his hair, "why are you snooping around in my stuff?"

"i was looking for a toothbrush and toothpaste and i didn't know..." i trail off. my words are crashing against each other in a jumbled mess. from the looks of it, he's not even listening to what i'm attempting to explain without sounding like an idiot. i drop another pill bottle that rolls across the bathroom floor, "i'm sorry... it's not a big deal, though. i don't know what any of them mean."

"y-you read them?" he looks horrified. oh my, why didn't i just keep my mouth shut after apologizing? my mouth always runs ahead of my mind.

"i'm sorry," i find myself apologizing again. i've possibly destroyed the little spark of friendship ashton and i were growing between us.

he drops his hand by his side, allowing his hair to fall back into place. he sighs, "can you give me some time?"

"sure..." i reply before scurrying out the bathroom feeling guilty.


A/N: whoever searched lithium up on google g4u -ashton thumbs up-

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now