forty-six // bed

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in my bed, with my clothes, lies the girl who niall's obviously been cheating on me with for who knows how long? it kills me how pretty she is and how niall willingly gave her my clothes and let her lie in my spot while he went crazy on my phone last night. well, that says something, right? he was thinking of me while he was with her.

"we can leave if you want to," ashton whispers behind me. i jump almost forgetting that he is here with me, "i'll try to get some money and buy you more clothes."

i wipe my eyes before i actually start crying, "no. it's okay. i'll just hurry up and get my clothes. thanks, though."

i slowly pull my suitcase from under the bed and angrily pile my clothes inside. who does she think she is sleeping in my bed? and why would niall stoop so low to let her? did he ever really love me? all the times he's told me that he's in love with me and i'm the only one he cares about, was it all a lie? he's physically, emotionally, and mentally hurt me for years, and then i get repaid with this? looking at her, i can't stand being in the room anymore.

"i can't breathe, let's just go," i mumble after my suitcase begins overflowing. ashton nods at me understandingly and zips the suitcase closed.

pulling my suitcase onto its wheels, we both walk to the door. ashton, once again, walking as slow as ever. i accidentally bump into the wall, snapping the blonde awake.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now