forty-nine // ducks

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from: ash

to: el

full name: ashton fletcher irwin

zodiac sign: cancer

3 fears: the dark, ducks, and needles

3 things i love: playing the drums, peach tea, and chocolate chip icecream

3 things that make me happy: food, music, and um... banana milkshakes

my best friend: michael

last song i listened to: lost in stereo by all time low

i don't feel like answering the rest, but now you know something about me ;) xx


from: el

to: ash

scared of ducks? seriously?


from: ash

to: el

they r scary!


from: el

to: ash

smh... nite, ash. see u in the morning :).


from: ash

to: el

sweet dreams, babe xx


xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now