sixty-four // run

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strangers stop and gasp around as niall falls backwards to the ground, but ashton doesn't stop there. he sits on top of him and wraps his hands around niall's neck.

"ashton, stop!" i shout. i grab onto him and try pulling him off of niall, but he doesn't budge. a tear falls down my cheek, "please stop, ash, you're going to kill him!"

security comes and pushes me out the way, somehow pulling ashton off of niall. niall sits up, coughing. the blonde comes out of nowhere, kneeling down beside niall's body.

"are you okay, baby?" she asks, smoothing out his hair. my face burns, watching her comfort niall like i used to.

"i'm fine, perrie," he says after his coughing fit.

without another glance at ashton or niall, i run out of the train station with tears falling from my eyes.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now