eighty-six // breeze

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the smell of hawaiian breeze air freshener wafts in my nostrils as i enter the music store. calum's bass guitar fills my ears causing me to sigh of relief. i run to the guitar section, desperate to find calum. i need to talk to someone and i know that he's the only one who's willing to listen to me.

my lips pull up into a smile at the sight of calum. i run up to him, "calum..."

he pulls his hands away from the strings and gives me an odd glance, "so now you want to talk to me?"

my smile slowly fades away, "w-what?"

"nothing," calum mumbles before turning his back to me and continue playing.

"calum!" i shout to overpower the sound of his guitar.

he angrily turns around to me, "what do you want?"

"i just wanted to talk to you," i say. everything feels so hopeless right now.

"well, there's nothing i want to talk about," calum says. looking in his eyes, he seems so hurt, "why don't you run off to harry?"

"i don't even like harry!"

"then why did you leave me for him?"

"because i was drunk!" i tell him.

he sighs and looks down at his guitar, shaking his head, "okay..."

"are you mad because you wished i slept with you instead?" he doesn't reply, "i'm sorry if i hurt you and i'm sorry if you like me and you thought that you were going to take me home, but... i just got out of a relationship and i-i think i like someone else."


"i'm sorry, calum."

"it's fine," he says, avoiding eye contact, "you can't make your heart feel something it won't,"

"i have a feeling you got that from a song,"

he smiles, "yeah. it fit the mood."

we stand in a silence before i open my mouth again, "it's twelve o'clock. is your lunch break anytime soon?"

"yeah, you can."


"you can take me out for lunch."

i laugh as he sets his guitar down and we both head out, talking.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now