two // dimples

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grabbing my bag, niall drags me away from the bench. he walks ahead of me as i trudge behind him. a small crowd settles inside the train, on their phones, reading or talking with someone beside them. my eyes land on the boy across the train track. he sat by himself, looking down at his phone with one earphone in his ear, the other dangles over on his lap.

the stranger looks up from his phone and smiles with a slight wave, revealing adorable dimples. i feel a bit uncomfortable interacting with people especially when niall's around, but i flash him a smile and wave at him with my free hand.

"can you keep up?" niall asks harshly. i try adding up to his quick pace to prevent steaming him anymore. i hate when he's angry.

the train starts up as niall and i take a seat. I set my bag on my lap and find my eyes traveling back over to the back of the boy's head. he's probably listening to music. i wonder what his music taste is like. i wonder if he listens to the same music i like.

i shake my head. he's just a random person i happened to awkwardly make eye contact with. it just feels different to be looked at instead of looked through.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now