thirty-nine // silent

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ashton stays silent for the walk to his house. when we finally reach the driveway, tears are already pouring down my cheeks like a waterfall.

he unlocks the door and leads me inside, "don't worry, michael's not home."

he leads me into the kitchen and he pulls out a chair from the table, pulling it to the counter, "sit,"

i follow his orders and sit down at the counter, tears streaming down my face. my stomach feels sick as i watch ashton boil water on the stove.

he looks over at me, "you like milk in your tea, yeah?"

"yes," i reply. he smiles and begins fixing my tea. i rest my head on the counter and close my eyes.

what am i going to do? niall is technically my life. he's my first everything. he's the one i live with. i can't just walk away from it all. but he doesn't need me. he has someone else who he apparently has been sharing my love with. someone way prettier than me.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now