eighty-three // push

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jumping up from the couch, i follow after him, "are you mad at me?"

"...no," he mumbles, entering michael's room. i walk inside with him and plop on michael's bed, "i'd be really happy if you left me alone."

"what did i do?" i pick myself up from the bed and look up at him.

he shakes his head and looks pass me, "it doesn't matter,"

"it does matter," he sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"can you leave?"


"why are you doing this?"

"doing what?"

"why are you frustrating me!? you know i'm going to get pissed off!" i flinch at his tone.

"maybe because i'm confused and you think the best way to fix things is ignoring me!"

he clenches his fist, "maybe because you invited me somewhere with a whole bunch of people i don't know, then left me alone with a whole bunch of people i don't know, and then you made out the whole entire night with colum - or whatever his name is - and some other guy you barely know an -"

i cut him off, "why does it even matter who i make out with?"

"it doesn't! make out with whoever you want to, i don't care! but don't invite me somewhere i'm completely uncomfortable with and ignore me the whole fucking night!"

"then don't push everyone away before you even get a chance to meet them!"

ashton pauses and breathes in and out before replying, "just leave me alone,"

"wow, so now you're pushing me away?"

"shut up!" my anger quickly turns to fear when he steps closer to me. is he going to hit me? maybe i was wrong about him from the start, maybe he's just like niall. i should've built my walls up with him like i do with everyone else. now i'm ending up in the same situation from before.

"ash -" my words barely come out before a pair of lips angrily press against mine.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now