sixty-six // crying

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after calming down, i walk back to ashton and michael's house with slow footsteps. i'm honestly scared to face ashton. i know he was pissed off, but he told me that his bi-polar disorder wasn't severe, which it kind of is. what if one day i accidentally piss him off and he chokes me to death? if we weren't in public, ashton would've ended up killing niall and it'd be all my fault. what if that happens to me?

michael's car - that looks newly washed - pulls into the driveway. i notice ashton in the passenger's seat, looking out of the window. i walk up the steps and wait for them to get out.

michael doesn't smile at me from inside the car. ashton and him exchange a few words before ashton steps out and allows michael to drive back to work.

"hi," i say.

ashton pulls the front of his hair back with his hand and sighs. i frown at the bruise on his knuckles, "hey,"

it's until then i realize that his hazel eyes look puffy and red like he'd been crying.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now