ten // bandana

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i look out of the glass window watching strangers pass by. something inside of me feels a bit more down than usual. i don't know why since i barely know anything about ashton. he could be a psychopath who happens to look attractive and act really sweet. what if i get too caught up into him and his personality changes before my eyes just like niall?

no, elle, shut up. you don't have to worry about getting too caught up because all you did was have a really short, awkward conversation with him over text in the middle of the night. that's not even one step close to the road of friendship.

a smile tugs at my lips as ashton sprints pass the window to reach the train. he has a mini book bag hanging off his shoulder and a binder in his hand that looks quite messy. when he gets on the train, panting, i notice the red bandana tied around his head. he looks cute in it.

as he makes his way through the train, he says hello to a few people and apologizes to others for accidentally hitting them with his mini bag. i want to laugh at how adorable he is but i know niall will get pissed off for finding him funny.

my breath catches in my throat as ashton approaches niall and i, smiling, and plops down in the seat across from us.

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now