forty-one // skeptical

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"thank you, ash," i say after finishing my tea.

he nods and sits up from his chair, "anytime, el. want me to walk you home?"

"not really," i sigh, "i live with him."

"oh," a frown forms on ashton's face, "well that makes everything ten times harder. don't you have someone else to go to? like a family member?"

"my family live hours away," i inform him. i sigh, fiddling with my thumbs, "all i really have is niall."

"well... you can crash here," ashton says slowly like he's a little skeptical about his decision, "until you find a place, that is."

"are you sure?" i ask.

"yeah," ashton smiles, "i wouldn't let you go back to that bastard."

xx // ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now