Chapter 1

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Harry watched Draco Malfoy quietly from the opposite side of The Three Broomsticks. 'Oh great'. He thought to himself 'It feels like sixth year all over again'. He knew Malfoy hadn't done anything even remotely wrong, not since... Harry didn't want to think about that. He was trying to find the courage to walk over to him, but some things are hard even for a Gryffindor to do. He sucked in a deep breath and took a drink of his butterbeer. In the time he spent contemplating how to approach him Malfoy came and sat in front of him. "Potter." His tone didn't sound malicious as they looked at each other. "I think we can start calling each other by our first names by now, we're not at Hogwarts anymore." He gave Draco a small smile. Draco raised an eyebrow before giving him an amused look. "Imagine that, Harry Potter's giving up a seven year long rivalry. Still have the heroic views then I assume?" Harry gave a slight chuckle at that. "No I believe I'm quite done being the hero for a good long while. Besides from what I've heard it seems you've taken that title." Draco felt a heat flutter his cheeks and took a drink of his own butterbeer to try and hide the fact he was blushing. 'Not even five minutes and Potter has you blushing, what in the bloody hell?' He composed himself before looking at Pot- no Harry. "It was hard after everything, the Malfoy name was ruined. I'm just trying to make it a worshipped name again." Harry thought for a few seconds taking in Draco's posture, it was then that he noticed how hollow and dull Draco's eyes were. Much like his own were. "You saved my life, at the manor. You knew it was me." Draco nodded slowly at his words looking away from him, seemingly becoming interested in the table. "I didn't want to be the one who led Harry Potter straight into an unforgivable by none other than the dark lord, did I?" 'That and you were the only hope I had in getting out his service'. Only Draco wouldn't say that part, and he wouldn't admit that Harry was the last hope he was holding onto back then. "I never got a chance to thank you for it." Harry could see that the blonde was shocked by his words and smiled softly at him. Harry checked him out, not that he would willingly acknowledge that. Draco still had the slim muscular figure and ivory skin, his hair was kept in a shorter style much like sixth year. Harry gazed into his liquid silver eyes, no wait maybe a really gray-blue? "Why now?" Draco studied him as he asked. "I want to start over Draco, completely clean slate between us." Draco tilted his head at this and raised an eyebrow. 'It wouldn't hurt your reputation to be friends, no not friends, acquaintances with The Boy Who Lived'. So Draco Malfoy stuck out his hand same as he had in first year hoping to Merlin he wasn't rejected again. Before he even had time to pull it away Harry stuck his hand in his. "Potter, Harry Potter." "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. Were the introductions really necessary?" Harry chuckled softly at that. "Well considering I didn't even get a chance to say my name the first time, I'd say it was quite necessary." Draco rolled his eyes as he realized they still held each other's hand, sheepishly pulling his back. It felt almost alien to Draco not insulting Harry. "This is weird isn't it?" The savior spoke. Draco chuckled softly nodding. It was a melody Harry found he quite liked. "Five minutes without an insult, the professors would be impressed to say the least." Harry shook his head smiling wide. "Impressed? I'm sure someone would have to pick their jaws up off the floor." Draco looked greatly amused at the image that took place in his mind. Draco checked the time and sighed softly looking at Harry. "I've got to get going, but we should talk again soon. I'll owl you." Harry smiled nodding. "I'll see you soon then Draco." Without another word Draco disapparated back to Malfoy Manor. He decided then and there that he would owl Harry, the git had been less annoying than he would have ever imagined. A lot funnier too. Not to mention that he wasn't bad looking either. Draco was grateful in that moment that his father was locked up in Azkaban, more so than usual. He didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt towards befriendi- no wait, maybe that's too strong, associating with the boy that led to his father's ultimate downfall.

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