Chapter 14

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That night was the first night Harry had a nightmare while Draco was in the same bed. The dream consisted of Voldemort coming back, and logically Harry knew that it was impossible. Though in his sleep he drew ragged breaths and tears streamed down his face. With the blonde being a light sleeper he woke up quickly. He shook the other boy a few times. "Harry, babe you need to wake up." Rolling his eyes and giving up Draco kissed the other boy on the mouth. The Gryffindor finally woke up and hugged the Slytherin tightly kissing back gently and pulling away. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you. The nightmares you know, they um happen sometimes." Draco gave him a disbelieving look. It was obvious to him that sometimes entailed most of the time. He had seen the difference in Harry on days after nights spent alone. He looked like he'd gone without sleep for a week on those days, and now Draco knew why. "Okay so it's more than sometimes, but it's never happened with you in the same bed. So I didn't think that you had to know." Draco gave him the best bitchface he possibly could at 2 something in the morning. Harry gave him a slightly sheepish smile. The blonde boy thought about how now that he knew about the nightmares that he wouldn't leave Harry to sleep alone ever again if they don't break up that is. "Do you want to talk about them? Wait, let me rephrase that. I want to talk about them, but I want to make sure you're comfortable with it." Harry nodded slowly and began describing some of the dreams he had over the years. He talked about the blame he felt towards those who had died as well. Draco simply held him while he listened to everything the other boy was willing to say to him. "Their deaths aren't your fault Harry, they're his. No one holds you to blame for any of it. None of it was your fault." Draco said in a tone that would have made Snape proud seeing how it grabbed Harry's attention so easily. Then again maybe that was just because it was Draco. Either way Harry held on to every single word and waited urgently for the rest to follow. For a short moment the Gryffindor didn't feel alone at all. It was shocking seeing as how easily he'd felt almost isolated after the war. "Maybe we should go back to sleep, yeah?" Harry said looking up at the Slytherin. It was obvious he just wanted to avoid the topic. Draco knew though just how much guilt the raven was holding, they understood each other in that way. Though Draco actually did deserve to feel guilty, at least that's how he saw it. He'd convince Harry though that the boy wasn't at fault for anything Voldemort had done. Though for now he settled for simply holding the shorter boy close to him. That was how they drifted back off to sleep. Draco with one last thought in his mind.

Draco woke up the next morning to find the left side of the bed empty. This wasn't uncommon seeing as Draco's mother couldn't find out about the relationship so they didn't want to risk it. He got dressed quickly and combed through his hair with care. He may have not have been all that bad, but he was still a Malfoy after all. Malfoy's kept up their appearance. He checked himself in the mirror before leaving his room. He knew his mother would be up by now having her morning cup of tea possibly with a small bit of brandy or whiskey. As his mother put it "It helps with the nerves." If it was a good day she would decide she didn't need it, though those were few and far between. Draco descended down the stairs and walked into the dining room. He was astounded by what he found. There sat with Narcissa Malfoy was none other than Harry Potter. The blonde had never froze so quickly, and he had met Voldemort for crying out loud. Narcissa looked up with a smile, "Dragon come sit and join us." Harry looked up at him with an innocent face. However the blonde gave him that certain "What the hell are you doing?" look. Ignoring his mother would be a bad decision, however having breakfast with her and Harry almost seemed worse. With great reluctance he sat down next to Harry. While Narcissa was distracted Harry leaned over to Draco. "Come on, can't we tell her? She already loves me I've established that much." Harry didn't understand why he cared so much about if Narcissa knew or not, but he did and he wanted her to know. Draco looked at his boyfriend who held a near pout, practically begging. 'I'm definitely going to wish I hadn't of done this.' With a heavy sigh he nodded slowly motioniong for Harry to go ahead. Harry smiled brightly and turned to Narcissa capturing her attention quickly. "Mrs. Malfoy I feel like now that you've gotten to know me a little better there's something you should know," and he took Draco's hand with a smile that could have reached the moon, "I care about your son a lot, and he's one of the most important people in my life. He makes me the happiest I've ever been, and I believe that I make him that same amount of happy." Draco looked down at his lap quickly with a small smile. He didn't want to put off his mother in any way. Narcissa seemed to consider it for a good while looking between them. Maybe she could use them being together for her advantage, and it wouldn't hurt anything. So no Narcissa Malfoy didn't care for it that much, but she wasn't sorted into Slytherin for no reason. So she slapped one of her best fake smiles and forced herself to look happy with the news. "Your father always had his suspicions that you two would end up together. I suppose he was right, well it seems I owe him 10 galleons." Harry looked at the blonde with an amused smirk. Draco put his head in his hands. He was never going to hear the end of this from the Gryffindor and he knew it. Narcissa however frowned slightly at the interaction. It wasn't that she didn't like Harry, she found him quite endearing and well mannered actually. She simply wanted Draco to marry off to a woman. She'd figure out a way to break them up, not too soon though. She'd let them play around in the relationship a while, besides it wasn't as if they'd be married in two months or something. She had plenty of time, and even more patience.

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