Chapter 37

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It was Christmas. Harry and Draco were spending the morning with Narcissa and Lucius before they were supposed to be at the Burrow. Harry found out just how much the Malfoy's truly did for Christmas. Snape was there as well, dressed in his usual black robes. However Lucius was wearing some ridiculous muggle sweater that matched Narcissa's. Draco had already opened his gift from Harry that morning. Though Harry still had no clue as to what Draco was getting him, the Slytherin just kept making him wait. He hadn't said much about it either. The two were still dressed in their "pajamas" as it was Malfoy tradition. Harry didn't mind it at all, Molly always wanted the kids dressed up for pictures. Not that he minded that either, but this was a lot less of a hassle. Surprisingly Snape handed Draco and Harry a present each silently. Harry raised his eyebrows unwrapping it slowly. He was met with a leather bound journal. "It was your mother and I's. It's full on notes we'd use to talk in class during 4th year." Harry ran his hand down the journal carefully. He opened to the first page and instantly recognized his mother's handwriting. (Not Snape's though of course, because we know he couldn't do that all of sixth-year). He looked up at the Potion's professor with a wide smile. "Thank you Severus." Snape nodded with the faintest of smiles.

"Will you come to the garden with me?" Draco asked the Gryffindor a while later. Narcissa hid a knowing smirk as they left. Lucius looked at her confused. "What do you know that I don't?" Narcissa shook her head obviously letting him know that she wasn't going to say. She got up from the couch waving her wand so her hair was pinned up. Snape smirked slightly as he got up as well. "Cissa where are we going?" She smiled waving her hand so he'd follow her. "You'll see Lucius." He shrugged and followed after her quickly.

Harry stood with Draco in the garden with a blindfold over his eyes. "Did you get me a plant? I mean I'd love it, but we both know it'd just die." Draco rolled his eyes with a smile untying the blindfold slowly. "No Potter it's not a plant." Harry glanced away seeing pretty much everyone he and Draco ever knew. He looked at Draco clearly confused. "Wh-" Draco interrupted him. "We're getting married." Harry smiled wide as Snape came up standing in front of the two. "You let Pansy in the garden, and everyone else. We're in our pajamas." Draco kissed his hand gently. "It's just a garden, you're a lot more important. Yeah I've noticed, but I didn't need the extra stress and neither did you of actually planning and worrying about every little thing." Harry smiled wide hugging him tightly. "So are we having a wedding or not?" Snape drawled out from where he stood. The Slytherin and Gryffindor nodded quickly smiling at each other. Pansy and Hermione both came up giving them each a ring and a kiss on the cheek. "I don't even have vows!" Everyone laughed, except Snape. Draco kissed his hand. "Just say whatever comes to mind." Harry looked at him thinking about it for a second. "You're insane for starters. A wedding on Christmas in practically freezing weather, and not even telling me. Somehow managing to keep everyone from telling me. You're amazing, Merlin you're amazing. Everything about you somehow drives me crazy, sometimes in the not so good way. Yet I'll never get tired of it. I love you, and I'm in love with you. I promise that won't ever change. You're everything I need and want, and I can't imagine anyone else I would rather spend the rest of my life with. I'm never going to love someone the way I love you. You make every single day worth waking up for. Your smile is my favorite sight, your laugh is my favorite sound, your hand is where mine belongs, and you're my favorite feeling. I could die tomorrow, but I would still thank death for waiting until I loved you, and for getting to know what being loved by you is like. No matter what Draco Lucius Malfoy I'm yours until my last breath and even after that, Always."

Quite a few people were crying including Draco. Harry smiled softly wiping the blonde's face. "I never let anyone in the way I have with you. Love always seemed like such a waste of time. Then you showed up, and everything I had planned went to hell. I wouldn't change a single second of it. Loving you is one of the scariest things I've ever done, but I'm addicted to the feeling. Everything about you is why I love you. Sometimes why you annoy me too. I'll spend the rest of my life loving you, because no matter what happens I know, well I know that you're my soulmate. You're my other half. I know there's a chance you'll be gone eventually, but I promise to be just as in love with you as I am right now. My heart is yours regardless of what happens, and I promise my dreams will be of you. You may not be able to be my forever physically, but I'd rather be your forever than never know what it's like to be loved by you. I'd rather deal with the pain of losing you than to never know this, and I would always pick you. We argue more than any two people I've ever met, but we love more than any two people I've ever met. I'm yours Harry James Potter, until the very end."

The two smiled at each other looking so in love regardless of the tears falling down their faces. "Draco do you take Harry to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do." Draco said with a bright smile on his face. Severus turned to Harry. "Harry do you take Draco to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Harry didn't look anywhere but Draco. "I do." "Then by the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom." "It's about bloody time." Draco said pulling Harry close and picking him up kissing him deeply. Harry kissed back with a smile on his face. As far as they were concerned nobody else in the Malfoy Garden mattered, all they were worried about was kissing each other like it would be their last.

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