Chapter 38

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They held a celebration at Malfoy Manor. Where everyone was spread throughout the kitchen and living room. Mcgonagall walked up to the raven haired Gryffindor with a pleased smile on her face. "I had a feeling you would soon enough be Mr. Potter-Malfoy. I think Professor Snape could tell too. Mr. Malfoy told me you said I would be one of the first people you invited to your wedding." Harry blushed lightly with a small smile. "Of course Professor, I would have sent you one had I of known it was going to happen today." Minerva smiled giving him a hug. In all actual truth she owed Dumbledore 27 galleons, she was sure he was going to end up with Ginny. If he were alive she would, but she'd have to settle for telling his portrait when she got back to Hogwarts. They continued talking for a little while before Sirius came over. "Minnie. Always a pleasure." Mcgonagall tried her best not to look amused at the nickname. However both Harry and Sirius could tell she was faltering. "Mr. Black always nice to see you." She nodded to him and left so he could talk to Harry. "So you got married today, seems like the kind of thing you should have a glass of wine for." Harry smiled softly shaking his head. He really didn't think alcohol would stay in his system long at all nowadays. "So any advice?" Sirius wrapped an arm around him with a serious face. "Yes, your first argument as a married couple will determine all your arguments and how they're resolved in the future."

Lucius was standing with Narcissa and Draco when he thought of something. "Why wasn't I informed of this wedding exactly?" Narcissa chuckled softly looking at him. "You would've told Harry, and it was a surprise. You can't have a surprise if the person knows Lucius." Lucius grumbled something about how he wouldn't have told Harry. Though they all knew he would've. Harry walked over, and immediately Lucius shouted. "They didn't tell me about the wedding either! They said I would've told you, can you believe that?" Draco facepalmed as the older Slytherin only went on to prove their point. Harry held back a laugh scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah I can't imagine why they'd do that Lucius. Surely they know you have excellent secret keeping skills." Narcissa giggled a bit and took Lucius' hand guiding him away. Draco smiled softly at Harry looking at him with the same amount of love he had all day. "I hope you know this isn't all of your Christmas present Potter." Harry looked confusedly at him. Draco leaned in close with a smirk. "Not even slightly." He kissed the Gryffindor's neck just as Hermione and Ron walked up. "Congratulations you two. Well ferret I guess since you've officially proved yourself worthy of Harry, you can have a shot of the best firewhiskey I've ever had." It came out slurred seeing as Ron had already had what seemed to be more than a few shots. Hermione shook her head waving her hand. "Ignore him, he took the word celebration quite literal. I can't believe Draco actually went through with this. Molly and Sirius told me he was so nervous when he asked for their permission." Harry glanced at Draco who was blushing lightly. Draco had actually asked permission? Harry didn't know why that shocked him so much. Maybe it was the fact that Sirius and Molly had said yes.

Narcissa suddenly tapped her glass with a fork as she stood up at her seat. "I'd like to propose a toast in honor of these two newlyweds. To our newest son, you have brought life and love back into a broken family. You've made my son the happiest I've ever seen him, and I couldn't ask for a better man to call my son his husband. Also I think it's safe to say that you can call me mom now, as I will no longer acknowledge Narcissa from you. Dragon I love you so much, and I hope you will always find the light in the dark. Nothing makes me happier than seeing you so in love and happy. I've watched grow from the spoiled brat you were into the amazing man you are now. I wouldn't trade a second of it for the world Dragon.  To Harry and Draco." Harry and Draco smiled brightly at her. Everybody took a drink and cheered. Sirius then stood up looking at them both proudly.

"Well my boy it seems you've gotten married. I remember when you were just a little snot filled babe calling me "adfoo". Your dad would be so proud if he could see you now. Your mom would be too. Draco I'll admit I was skeptical about you at first, but I can see that you've made mini prongs here the happiest he could possibly be. For that Draco I thank and accept you for as long as I live."

Many speeches and dances later Harry and Draco were ready to leave. They said their goodbyes and walked outside. "How long have you been planning this?" Draco smirked a little and took another blindfold out of "his" sweatpants. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He apparated them, and Harry stood confused. He couldn't hear Nyx or Persephone so he didn't think they were at home. Where else could they be? He felt himself being lead somewhere for a good while before he felt Draco removing the blindfold. "You didn't think I would forget about the honeymoon did you? You've said you've always wanted to go to Fiji, why you put it off I ha-" However he was cut short by Harry jumping on him kissing him passionately. Draco kissed him back urgently carrying him to the house he had rented for the week. He unlocked the door pushing it open. He looked at the Gryffindor with a smirk. "I thought you were tired?" Harry shook his head quickly. "Not even a little. I just wanted to get you alone." Draco kicked the door shut and set the raven down on the bed gently.

An hour or so later and They were cuddling. "So we're married now." Harry said with a bright smile. He twisted the ring around his finger looking at the blonde. "It was okay, right? The way I did it I mean." The Slytherin asked in a quiet voice. "When I said I'd marry you at any given time and it would be perfect as long as you said I do, I meant it. I didn't think you'd go as far as actually marrying me in our pajamas, especially with you being you. I loved it, and I love you." Draco smiled wide kissing his temple holding him closer. "I love you too, and I figured it could be just you and me without all the superficial stuff. The way we've always been." Harry grabbed Draco's hand tracing the mark gently. He glanced up at the blonde with a small smile kissing his nose. "That's one of the most romantic things you've ever said to me. Draco Malfoy's gone soft." The Slytherin rolled his eyes straddling the raven with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Want to bet?" "Do I?"

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