Chapter 8

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It had been a while later after playing three rounds of catch the snitch that they sat in some restaurant Draco had chose. They had just ordered and were talking while they waited for their food. "I told Ron and Hermione about us." Harry had said with a nervous smile. Sure they had said they'd tell their friends if it came up, but the boy still wasn't sure how the blonde would react. "How did that go? Did they tell you you're going absolutely mad? That's what Pansy said to me." Harry smiled wider, so Draco had told his friends too. Then he frowned a bit remembering how Ron had responded. "Hermione she couldn't be happier for me. Ron, well that's a whole other story. He seems to think this is a big prank or something." Draco scoffed in disbelief. Harry saw the kicked puppy look in his eye. The Gryffindor let his hand rest over the Slytherin's. "I know he's just angry, you wouldn't kiss like that for a prank." Draco smiled softly with a blush. Draco thought about it more as he took a drink of his wine. "I want to talk to them, to everyone that's important in your life," he shook his head at what was going to be Harry's obvious protest and continued, "No we're not going to be able to move onto seriously dating if everyone you love hates me." So with that it was decided what Harry's second part of the date would be.

An hour and a half or so later they stood in front of the Burrow. "Most people don't meet the parents until after a couple dates." Draco raised an eyebrow at him taking his hand. Harry rubbed his hand with his thumb gently. "Glad we're not most people then." Draco said with confidence as he knocked lightly on the door. Harry had told Molly to invite everyone earlier while at dinner. There was no way Draco was going to let up on talking to who Harry considered his family. Molly answered the door with a bright smile pulling both Harry and Draco into a hug. "Oh come in, come in! I've got everyone in the kitchen." She said as she let them both go. Harry smiled at her, Molly unlike Ron would accept Draco with open arms. Quite literally at that. Draco on the other hand suddenly felt nervous, he could feel the second youngest Weasley's contempt from the front door. Harry led him inside through to the kitchen. Although he felt nervous too as he saw his godfather standing along with Arthur. The raven-haired boy tensed slightly averting his eyes from Sirius. "Ello Harry, Draco!" The twins exclaimed as they apparated behind them both. Harry simply laughed as Draco nearly jumped out of his own skin in a non-Malfoy manner. The blonde composed himself and glared at him. Everyone said their own greetings as they took their seats. The two boys stayed standing holding hands. Ron went to say something, probably an objection of some sort. Draco was having none of it, and cut him off before he could speak. "I understand a lot of people in this room hate me, and you have the complete right to." Ron muttered something about how he better have the right even if the Slytherin was dating his best friend. Hermione gave Draco an encouraging smile, which had shocked him. He shrugged it off and continued on. "I don't hate or find myself better than any of you, and I know that I don't deserve to be dating Harry." The raven nudged him gently. To be honest Harry did hate the fact that Draco deemed himself unworthy of Harry's affections. Maybe not hate, but disliked a great deal. Harry almost didn't notice Ron's jaw drop at the use of his first name rather than last. "However this dense git finds something admirable about me. I've liked him for years, and as far as I can tell three people in this room had some idea about it," he paused to face Harry, "and I won't drive a wedge between you and your family. It's unfair to ask you to choose or to have dating me cause separation from them," with that he looked back at everyone else, "so I'm here putting my pride aside to ask for a chance to be a part of Harry's life. I know I'm a spoiled rotten arse, and even worse I bloody well suck at apologizing, but I'm sorry." Ron looked between the two in deep thought. He sighed heavily as his mind was slowly made up. 'Bloody hell I'm going to regret this.' He then glanced at Hermione who was giving him a slight smirk. He rolled his eyes and turned back to the two boys. "I'm not going to stop insulting you ferret, and if you hurt him I will murder you. I can't believe I'm going to say this, actually before I do. Harry you're sure about this? Like you sure you don't just hate him so intensely you want to snog it out of him?" Harry blushed darkly, but laughed anyway. "Well Ron do you hate him enough to want to snog him?" Hermione tried holding back a laugh, but failed miserably. She spoke looking between them. "That would be a sight wouldn't it? I don't think I could even be upset about you cheating on me for that." Ron however looked completely disgusted, and shook his head quickly. He looked back at Draco. "Then apology accepted, and speaking of snogging none of that in front of me." Both boys nodded quickly. Harry glanced at Sirius messing with his jeans. Sirius met his gaze and stood up standing directly in front of Draco. He set his hands on the boys shoulders and looked him right in the eye. "You hurt my godson in anyway and I will go to Azkaban for a crime that I did commit, understand?" Draco's eyes widened, but he nodded slowly. With that Sirius turned to Harry and ruffled his hair. "Harry my boy, I trust your decisions, you don't have to worry about what I'll think. Besides I can tell you like Draco quite a bit," he turned back to Draco with a confused yet amused sparkle in his eye, "though I would like to know just how your parents will take this, with pureblood traditions and all." Draco grimaced slightly as he thought about how his mother would take them dating. She'd love Harry if they were just friends, but it was way past that. "My mother has already tried marrying me off to women, with no avail from my father. She won't like it, but she'll get used to it. My father however will only have to get over the fact that it's Harry." Sirius smiled warmly at him. Ginny also came up to them. Harry looked at her with uncertainty. She smirked at the both of them. "It took you both long enough, jeez I thought I was going to have to set you up myself." Both boys stared at her clearly shocked. She held up her hand before they could even get a word out. "Boys come on really? Anyone could look at you two and notice the attraction you both have. You don't need to be a seer to see that you two are completely into each other." Everyone except the two boys laughed at that, even Ron. Harry blushed beet red, but smiled at the red head anyway. She added to her speech. "I meant what I said about wanting you to be happy Harry, and if Malfoy is where you find that happiness then I support you 100%." Draco raised an eyebrow at her in complete disbelief while Harry pulled her into a tight hug. She smiled hugging him back tightly. Draco swallowed his jealous feelings, but there were a lot. He and Harry weren't even exclusive, let alone at a stage for such an intense jealousy. When they finally pulled away from the damn eternal hug (which in reality only lasted a couple of seconds), maybe Draco not so thoughtlessly wrapped his arm around Harry's waist, and maybe he didn't accidentally pull the other boy closet. At least Draco wouldn't admit it.

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