Chapter 21

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The trio apparated to Malfoy Manor and upon arriving Lucius turned to both boys. He went to say something, but Draco quickly cut him off with a grossed out face. "She's in your study or the kitchen and trust me be as loud as you want but," he paused with a smirk looking up at his father, "I wouldn't do it in the parlour." Harry groaned rubbing his face with a bright red blush. He could murder Draco then and there. Lucius ruffled Draco's hair with a playful smile. "You think we didn't do it in the parlour before you?" Harry tried and failed traumatically to hold back a snicker. 'That's what you get for exposing our sex life, git.' Draco held his disgusted face as he took Harry's hand and walked off through the yard. They walked for a good while before coming up to the biggest garden Harry had ever seen. He was completely fascinated looking at every possible thing he could. "Why is it you haven't brought me here before Malfoy?" The garden was obviously very Slytherin, with a large deep green metal fence all around and an enormous silver gate with the spindles replicating snakes. If Harry was being honest he almost expected this, maybe just not as extreme. "I never thought about it I suppose. You can open the gate with parseltongue, Voldemort charmed odd things during his time here. Neither my mother or I have been keeping up with it, all the work done is from the house elves. I haven't visited much since." Harry hissed out open and walked through the gate with the Slytherin. Draco didn't admit it in that moment, but damn was Harry speaking parseltongue one of the hottest things he had ever witnessed. The Gryffindor wasn't shocked to find every single plant and flower you could possibly think of. They walked through one of the pathways with Draco leading for a good few minutes. They came to a bench which Harry recognized was most likely the center of the large garden. The blonde indicating for Harry to sit as well. "What were you thinking of? When we were retrieving my father you spaced." The Gryffindor scratched the back of his head looking away. "It was nothing really." Draco rolled his eyes and looked at him. "I'm pretty sure we were refraining from keeping the emotional baggage from each other." Harry sighed softly glancing at him just barely. The blonde had a point, for the most part they were brutally honest. "How is it possible to miss someone you don't even remember knowing? Everything I know about my parents came from everyone else and a bunch of memories that aren't mine. I mean sure that's better than nothing, but hearing about them well it's not mine." The Slytherin lifted his leg onto the bench and took Harry's hand. He had a feeling this conversation would pop up soon enough. At least a similar conversation, if not this one. He placed his hand gently on on Harry's face. "You don't have to remember them to miss them. Whether you knew them or not it's okay to miss a life you could have had. The memories and the knowledge of who they were doesn't have to be yours to count. If it counts for anything, I know for a fact they would have been proud of who you've become. I may not know them, but I know you. You're the exact opposite of everything you could have become with your upbringing. I believe that some part of you knows at least how much they loved you to get through living with people who didn't." Harry sat there almost shocked staring at the blonde. Who knew of all people it'd be Draco Malfoy that understood what Harry practically needed to hear. Draco smirked slightly. "Who told you Slytherins couldn't be comforting, because you look awfully shocked." Harry shook his smiling softly. "It's not because you're a Slytherin, it's because it's you. Who knew Malfoy had a heart." The blonde nudged his leg gently. 'That's the last time I comfort him.' Harry smiled wider at him. "I think I like Malfoy with a heart more than Malfoy without." Draco smirked at him. "I know I like non-sentimental Potter more than sentimental Potter." The Gryffindor smacked his arm lightly. "As if, you like me no matter what I am." The blonde stood and offered his hand. 'I love you no matter what you are is closer to the truth.' Draco wouldn't say that so instead they walked through the garden. Their hands never straying from the others. "How big can this bloody garden be?" Draco laughed brightly. Harry was truly amazed at how rich the Malfoy family truly was. Sure Harry had a lot of money too, but he didn't show it off in the ways the Malfoy's did. Harry was simple and didn't feel the need to spend much on more than necessities. Not for himself anyway. "About an acre and a half give or take, we don't have to walk through the whole thing if you're not up for it. I know all the shortcuts to getting out." Harry watched him with a questioning look. So Draco continued explaining. "This is my mother and I's garden. I'd spend hours in here when I was little admiring and learning about everything that still grows here. Severus would help me study as much as I could handle. Believe it or not my parents didn't push me to be good in school I pushed myself. I'm as intelligent as I am because I wanted to be. Being as into potions as I am was all me, and it started here. You should feel privledged you're in here. I've only let Severus and Blaise enter before. I would let Pansy, but she has no regard towards walking carefully." Harry smiled wide, yet was at a cross with himself on the inside. This would be the perfect time, but what if Draco wasn't ready? What if this was just Harry rushing things? Maybe, he wasn't ready himself. So he allowed the perfect moment to pass, but squeezed the Slytherin's hand just a tiny bit. "I kind of dislike you." Draco smiled brightly looking at the Gryffindor. "I kind of dislike you too Potter."

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