Chapter 6

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Harry and Draco had decided that they wouldn't bring it up to their friends unless it become a topic of interest. Turns out opposites were quite the same, seeing as they were both sitting across from their friends. Draco's at the manor, and Harry's at Grimmauld Place. They both began describing the events that had taken place only a day before, leaving out certain parts for themselves. "You and Malfoy?! Blimey Harry I thought you said you weren't interested in him!" Ron exclaimed looking completely disgusted at the thought of his best friend with that ferret. Hermione however felt happy for Harry finally admitting his feelings and having Draco return those same feelings. The blonde was having similar luck with Pansy and Blaise. "Harry Potter?! Draco come on I know it's been hard and everything, but you're losing your mind!" Blaise however had the same feeling towards them being together as Hermione. He knew about Draco's feelings as long Hermione knew about Harry's. They had learned to accept it long ago, and lost any weird feelings they had towards it years ago. "I've liked Draco since 3rd year. I know he's a git more than half the time, and I don't know exactly what it is about him that I like. Maybe the hair? Or it could be the attitude. Maybe even the fact he doesn't care about my name at all, because he's still a prat to me. Was a prat, I don't know how we'll act around each other yet, though I do reckon that it won't change all that much. I don't know, I just know that it's what I want right now." Meanwhile at Malfoy manor Draco was giving his own reasons for dating the golden boy Potter. It seemed as though the two boys were in sync. "I know he's Harry Potter Pans. I think that's something that I like about him, that he doesn't care that he's Harry Potter quote on quote the boy who lived. I mean it's definitely not his atrocious insulting hair that's doing it for me. He's actually quite the rebel. There's just something about him that's compelling. He treats me like the spoiled rich prat that I am. I want more of it." Blaise smiled softly at him nudging Pansy's arm gently. "I say we give the Potter boy a chance, we know how hard it is for someone to keep Draco interested." It was true Draco had many flings here and there, but every guy he dated either bowed down to him or just simply couldn't handle him. Grimmauld Place was a different story, as Ron didn't seem to have any of it. "Harry you've got to be sodding mad, I know you haven't been in the greatest place, but he's Malfoy! I mean for Merlin's sake he was a deatheater!" Harry was growing more and more annoyed with the ginger he considered his best friend. Hermione could tell and tried stepping in. "Ron, he didn't want to go down that path. His parents and Voldemort forced him into it." Ron didn't seem to be listening to what she was saying though. He looked at Harry as if he was facing the dark lord himself instead of his best friend of 12 years. "He didn't agree with any of Voldemort's views, he's told me that himself." Ron chuckled almost darkly at Harry's words. He shook his head and spoke venomously, "Right Harry, was that before or after he decided he wanted to get in your pants?" Harry glared at him, but Ron continued on. "I mean this could very well all just be a prank, or say he does actually like you. So what? Have you just forgotten everything he's said and done?" Harry physically flinched and stalked up to him. 'This isn't going to be good,' Hermione thought as she looked at the interaction. 'Not at all.' Harry spoke lowly. "Is that how it works Ron really? I remember quite well you saying some horrible things to Hermione and about her. You two seem to be perfectly happy though, don't you?" Now it was Ron's turn to flinch as he gave a guilty look towards Hermione. Hermione finally decided to step in before their friendship was too strained. "Boys listen, Ron I think you need to leave and give yourself time to cool down and think about what you want to say next. Harry I firmly suggest that you calm down before you hurt your friendship defending your relationship." With those words both boys listened without complaint and once Ron left Harry and Hermione sat back down once again. Hermione smiled brightly and squealed. "Now tell me everything!" Harry looked confused and shocked, but smiled back anyway. He assumed that she expected this for years. "We kissed, well first we kissed and we made out as well. It was a lot different than Cho or Ginny. It was you know passionate and almost needy. Can you imagine all the tension that would have been avoided had we started snogging everytime we pissed each other off?" Harry blushed slightly as he explained his and Draco's encounter so honestly. Though this was Hermione after all, and he trust her with his life. So Harry indulged in a lot of the events that took place. It turns out Hermione was actually pretty easy to talk to when it came to that kind of thing. Harry was grateful for that seeing as he wouldn't be able to talk to Ron about Draco all that much, if at all. So that was how the two boys spent their night. Harry talked to Hermione about the blonde Slytherin, and Draco told Blaise and Pansy all about the green eyed Gryffindor.

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