Chapter 35

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The potion wore off a couple weeks later. Harry took a second, and then a third. Though Draco could tell his symptoms were just getting worse, and becoming more like when he had started taking the potion. Severus had spent any free time he had searching for a possible cure. So far he'd found nothing, not even a slight something. He felt like he was going mad. They were slowly coming up to a year, and next week was Christmas. Draco had kept going to that stupid support group, maybe it made him feel better. Maybe it was him trying to prove that he'd be fine if Harry didn't make it. Nobody was completely sure, but supposed it made made everything easier. Draco had taken up smoking from Luke. It wasn't hard to keep from Harry since he spent a good part of his time sleeping nowadays. Blaise knew about the habit, Pansy did not. Pansy would definitely tell Harry seeing as the two had quite the friendship. They could joke a lot, and be sarcastic towards each other. Though Harry also genuinely listened to her bitching. Draco and Blaise never really had. They considered it typical Pansy behavior, however Harry knew it was her trying her best to convey emotions. Pansy knew the Gryffindor had grown on her, probably more than he had Blaise. He was what she'd expected him to be, but instead of finding it annoying she found it endearing.

At the moment Harry and Draco were standing in Godric's Hollow cemetery. In front of them was the headstone of James and Lily Potter. Harry set flowers down and glanced at Draco. "You're not going to consider it weird if I talk, are you?" The blonde shook his head sitting on the ground. Harry sat next to him amazed that Draco Malfoy would put anything but his feet near the ground. He ignored it though and Draco wrapped an arm around his waist gently. "Hey mom, dad. I know it's um it's been a while. I wasn't sure I wanted to step foot in a cemetery, but I needed to. I have a boyfriend, I know I said I didn't really want anymore relationships the last time I was here. Obviously I lied. His name is Draco Malfoy and I can already tell you're both getting a kick out of that. Remus probably told you a lot about him. He's not a complete arse though, he's actually pretty tolerable. Sirius and Severus told me you would tolerate him, you know if you were alive. They're both okay in case you were wondering. Sirius misses you all a lot though. You can tell Remus he hasn't fallen in love with anyone else, but he's alright." Draco wiped the few tears that had fallen down Harry's face kissing his head. "C-can I have a minute?" Draco nodded getting up and walking off. "I love that git, obviously. I wish you were here to see it all. I wish I knew he was going to be alright. I wish I had more time. It won't hurt at all right? Not for me, but what about them? How am I supposed to be okay with knowing he won't be?"

Draco hadn't gone very far he stood at the edge of the cemetery, he knew soon enough he'd actually hate being in one at all. He lit a cigarette leaning against the wall built around. He was losing hope, he could feel it. Harry would make it to Christmas, and New Year's he knew that much. Though he almost doubted Harry would make it to Valentine's day. The Gryffindor was getting worse and they were no closer to finding a cure than they were months ago. He sighed as he took another hit. He threw the cigarette down and glanced over towards where Harry was. He could see that he was sobbing, but stayed where he was. He could assume why the boy would be crying. Harry hated crying in front of Draco, well actually he hated crying in front of anyone. Draco knew when to push and when not to. Now was a time he didn't need to. After a while Harry glanced around looking for Draco. The blonde walked over sitting next to him once again.

"Can I say something to them?" Harry nodded slowly, a little confused. "Mr. Potter, Mrs. Potter, I would have loved to have met you under different circumstances. I suppose you both heard or know a lot about me. I'm assuming it's probably only from Harry and Remus, I doubt a lot of deatheaters are in whatever afterlife you are. I know I wouldn't be anywhere close to first choice for who your son dates, and I don't blame you. I've done horrible things, I was a complete prat most of my life, and I have the bloody mark from the man who ripped you away from your son. Though I can tell you I'll make however long he has left the best moments of his life. I'll never love someone else the way I love him. My mother loves him as if he was her own, I'm surprised she hasn't pulled out adoption papers already if I'm being honest. I hope you know that I truly do mean every word of this." He glanced at Harry taking his hand kissing it softly. "They know, and I believe you would be their first choice. Regardless of what mistakes you made and what you did in the past." Draco smiled sadly. He doubted that, but decided against saying it. "We should go." The raven said as he traced the mark. "Are you sure?" Harry nodded slowly looking at the headstone. "I can't say anything else yet, the rest requires a response."

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