Chapter 15

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A couple weeks passed since Narcissa found out about the boy's relationship. Things between Harry and Draco had been quite up and down to say the least. It turns out they could argue a lot, and right now they were complaining to their friends. Harry to Hermione and Draco to Blaise. "He's so clueless sometimes, and infuriating, god he's infuriating Blaise!" Blaise hummed as he leaned back on the couch, watching Draco pace back and forth in front of him.

Harry and Hermione were in a very similar situation. "This is the third time you've argued this week, Harry." He looked at her and tilted his head. "And?" The brunette rolled her eyes with a small smile. "Harry it's Tuesday. If you two can't get along seemingly at all why haven't you broke up?" Harry shook his head quickly. 'Leave the git? Yeah right, as if Hermione.' He wouldn't word it exactly like that of course. So instead his reply came out in a nicer way.

At Zabini Manor Draco stood and ranted without the interruption of Blaise. Blaise sat quietly until the blonde was finally done speaking. The Italian looked up at him with a slight smirk. "You gonna run off back to wonder boy now?" This was a common thing for both Harry and Draco, they'd piss each other off then end up in the same bed that night as if it never happened. Draco rolled his eyes but nodded. "Could you not make it sound so desperate Zabini? If I didn't show up he would just pop up at mine anyway." Blaise had pointed out a couple times how needy they both were when it came to the other. The blonde as he put in his own words, "I'm Draco Lucius Malfoy, I don't need anyone." Blaise smiled softly, he knew as much as Draco would deny it that he was happy. Even Pansy could pick up on that. So without another word Draco apparated to Grimmauld Place and knocked on the door. Hermione smirked knowingly from her place on the couch. Harry answered the door quickly, and Draco stood with his arms crossed. The blonde loathed crawling back after an argument, yet when it came to Harry he did it time and time again. He uncrossed his arms and glanced at the Gryffindor. "I'm sorry for whatever we were fighting about." To be honest neither boy remembered what they were arguing about in the first place. Then again they almost never did. Harry smiled softly up at him opening the door a little more. "Well are you going to come in then ferret?" Draco rolled his eyes, but walked in anyway. Within seconds he had his lips on the raven-haired boy's hungrily. He kicked the door shut and continued kissing him. Hermione coughed from the doorway. They both glanced at her. Harry with a sheepish smile, Draco with an amused look. "It's amazing that somehow you're married to Weasley, if I weren't gay I would find you attractive." Hermione's eyes widened at that. Draco rolled his eyes with a smile. "I'm being honest. You're smart, you're gorgeous, you're interesting, sadly you're a woman." Harry tilted his head looking at the Slytherin. "If she's your type how in the hell are you dating me?" Draco gave him a dead serious face. "Patience and tolerance." Hermione laughed softly. Then explained she better get home and start dinner, and reminded Harry about the big Weasley family dinner tomorrow. They hugged quickly and she flooed back to her and Ron's house. Harry took Draco's hand leading him up to his bedroom quickly. The blonde glanced at the Gryffindor while he was changing. "I hate arguing with you in case you didn't know." Harry smiled softly to himself, not saying anything since he assumed Draco had more to say. The Slytherin always did, so why would this be any different? "In case you haven't noticed Harry I don't particularly enjoy showing up and apologizing at someone's door, I'm Draco Malfoy I shouldn't have to ask for forgiveness. You and your stupid bloody stubbornness and your thick head. You're completely infuriating." Harry raised his eyebrows looking at the other boy. In an almost mocking amusement. Harry crossed the room pulling Draco close. "Shut the fuck up and put those lips to better use Malfoy." They snogged for a few minutes before Draco pulled away. "You're going to drag me along to the family dinner aren't you?" To say Draco was nervous about meeting the extended part of the Weasley family was a complete understatement. He knew that even though the rest of the family accepted him, that didn't mean they all would. "Draco don't worry they'll like you, besides if they said something I think Molly would throw a wooden spoon at them." The blonde laughed brightly at that. Although it was probably very true seeing as Molly had taken the Slytherin under her wing just as she had with Harry. Draco too had found Molly to be in some ways a second mother. The blonde looked at Harry tilting his head slightly. "I want you to meet my father. Well meet him as my boyfriend, and not enemy." The Gryffindor's eyes widened slightly. The raven would never admit it out loud, especially not to Draco. Lucius Malfoy intimidated the hell out of him, even more so now that he was dating his son. "You sure I mean I can't imagine he wants me of all people to visit him ever." The Slytherin simply looked amused and shook his head. "Father and I have already talked about it, and he'd love for you to visit." Harry had to keep himself from laughing at that. 'Right I'm sure he'd love to, love to murder me is quite more like it.' Then he looked at the blonde, and suddenly understood just how he got whatever he wanted. He had the perfect mix of lost and begging puppy. Draco almost smirked with victory as he saw Harry falter just the slightest. 'I'm a spoiled prat, of course I know how to get what I want.' Harry breathed a small sigh. 'Fuck it, if I can face Voldemort I can face my boyfriend's father.' Draco knew from this reaction Harry was right where he wanted him, agreeing to go. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk to your father in person, but you have to verbally agree to the Weasley dinner." The Slytherin gave the should have been Slytherin a bitch face. "I'll go to the Weasley family dinner." Harry smiled triumphantly at the blonde. He shook his head and simply took Harry's hand dragging him up the stairs. "We both already know that you'd do anything for me. I mean it's pretty obvious." Harry said while they both got ready for bed. Draco rolled his eyes with a small smile while he got comfortable and pulled Harry close. "Is it?"

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