Chapter 12

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Draco woke up around 7:30 he yawned as he checked the time. He had to leave by 8:45 at the latest. He knew Harry wouldn't be easy to wake up, not in the slightest. So he shook the raven-haired boy a few times. He just groaned holding the blonde closer. Draco smiled as he rolled his eyes. "Harry wake up." He tried for a few more minutes to wake the other boy, he decided it was useless and kissed him on the neck slowly. Once he saw that got a reaction he moved slightly to hover his lips over Harry's and kissed him. Harry woke up almost immeadiately kissing back as much as he could in his half-awake state. Draco pulled away, but Harry tugged him close. "If you're going to wake me up by kissing me it's going to take a bit more than that Malfoy." So Draco placed his lips back on the Gryffindor's. He noticed the more Harry felt awake the deeper the kiss got. So he kept kissing him only pulling away when they needed air. The blonde straddled Harry like he'd already done this a thousand times before, but this was new territory. This was different than just snogging. There were kissing in the morning after Draco slept in Harry's bed, after he stayed the night, after they cuddled for hours. In that moment Draco knew just how mad the Gryffindor drove him. The other boy had him on the edge of a cliff and he didn't care if he plummeted. He drew away from the kiss slowly and stared at Harry. 'Of all people, Harry Potter.' Harry was looking at him with those bright green eyes, the ones Draco knew he could spot on any crowded street. "Where'd you go?" Draco just kept staring him in the eyes in deep thought. Harry figured out quickly what the blonde was thinking, he understood that the Slytherin was flighty. Especially when it came to things like this. So Harry did the one thing he could think of to reassure him. He kissed him with all the passion he could muster at 7:38 in the morning, but even slightly sleepy it held more emotion than any kiss Draco had ever received. When they pulled away Draco messed with Harry's hair. "Do you think your parents would have hated me? If they were alive I mean." Harry tilted his head thinking about how to answer for a few seconds. "From what I know my mom didn't hate anyone, she was friends with Snape for a good while. So she probably would have liked you. My dad, he did have quite a grudge against Slytherins. Then again so does Sirius, and he likes you. So no I don't think they would have hated you at all." The blonde smiled softly. They didn't know it then, but in the midst of just one night together they'd grown more serious than either thought would be possible. So Harry didn't even think twice about making the Slytherin and himself breakfast. He took Draco's hand standing tugging the other boy up as well leading him to the door. "Shouldn't I at least put on a shirt?" Harry shook his head quickly. If he was being honest the last thing he wanted Draco Malfoy to do was put on a shirt. With that he lead the blonde downstairs to the kitchen. "Sit down wherever you want." Harry said turning and getting ingredients out quickly. He quickly broke the eggs he needed and started whisking them in a bowl. Draco was sitting in a chair at the counter with his head in his hand, blonde hair a complete mess. He started cooking with a small smile. "Harry, you're up early." Sirius stated walking in the kitchen. As he noticed Draco he raised his eyebrows with a playful smile. Harry blushed and quickly stammered to explain. "Sirius! We didn't, it's not, we just slept!" Draco smirked at the green eyed boy. Harry knew the blonde had quite a thing still for making him embarrassed. "You would've known last night if we had, I'm not quiet and I know for a fact even if he is he would still be screaming my name. I'd make sure neither of us had the thought of casting a silencio either." Harry blushed darker, going back to cooking. 'I can't believe he just said that!' Sirius instead was laughing softly, before he leaned against the counter in front of the Slytherin with a smirk. "You defile my godson while I'm in the house they'll find your body in the black lake." Draco nodded quickly, even though he knew Sirius hadn't committed the crimes he was accused of that didn't make the man less intimidating. Besides Draco didn't particularly pin murder as something he wouldn't do. Harry set down a plate with an omelette in front of the blonde with a fork looking at Sirius. "You're not going to kill anyone, and would you stop threatening my boyfriend? I think that's the fifth time you've said you would murder him for something." Sirius grumbled softly taking a seat at the counter. He actually didn't mind the Slytherin, but had a complex of not thinking anyone was good enough for Harry. He is his best friend's son after all. He knew Harry had his flings before, but he could tell Draco was different when Harry told the extended part of the Weasley family. Not only that, but Harry making him breakfast in the morning after him spending the night gave it away as well. Sirius thought about what he had told Harry the night before. He meant it of course, but he was just overly protective. As he always had been since before the boy was even born. It was times like this when he really missed Remus. He would have teased him to hell and back about how protective he was. Although as he watched them both interact he realized just how obviously in love with each other they were. It was there in the way they argued and teased each other making it endearing. He understood that if the word soulmate ever made its way into conversation they would be the two he would think of first. Sirius also understood that even being that great together the relationship could still cause pain. For now though, he would leave them be. With that thought he ate his breakfast as he engaged into the conversation.

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