Chapter 26

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A few days later the two had finally picked out the furniture they'd absolutely need. They decided to pick the non immediate stuff after they moved in and settled. Mostly because they could very easily argue over something as simple as soap. "While we're out do you want to go pick out a dog? Puppies are hardly ever trained and we didn't just buy a house to completely destroy it Potter." So Draco wasn't joking when he said they could a dog and a snake. Harry nodded excitedly with a bright laugh. He had always wanted a dog, a big dog actually. They walked to a pet shop just down the street holding hands. As they they stepped in they were immeadiately met with all different kinds of animal sounds. A young woman who seemed to be in her early thirties approached them with a smile. "How can I help you two today?" Draco began explaining the type of dog they were looking for while Harry walked off. He found in his opinion the absolute most perfect puppy. He looked around and shrugged picking it up out of pin. The puppy started panting licking his face. Draco wasn't going to be very happy when he figured out Harry wouldn't settle on another dog. Besides it looked like Draco as a dog, how could Draco say no to his own face? The blonde walked up to him looking at the puppy. "No, there are about 90 big dogs here. We are not settling on a puppy, absolutely not Potter." Harry pouted quickly petting the girl dog. "How can you possibly say no to a dog that looks like you Malfoy?" The blonde stared at him trying not to give in. He really did try to not say yes, but damnit how could he? Forget the happy puppy in Harry's arms, the raven resembled a begging puppy. "One of these days I'm going to say no to you." Harry quickly hid his smug look, that would changed Draco's answer and he knew it. He settled on smiling brightly while nuzzling the puppy. "I'm pretty sure the day you say no to me is the day the world ends." Draco raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you?"

They got back to Malfoy Manor with the puppy they still hadn't named and their snake which wished to be called Nyx. "Set me on the floor, I want to find mice." Harry doubted that she would but let her slither down anyway. "We'll be in the kitchen." The snake nodded at him and left the room quickly. Draco groaned softly without meaning to. Harry glanced over at him confused, and then he got it. Now Draco wanting a snake, but not wanting to be around them in the store made sense. "Parseltongue huh? Yet you call me liking the dark mark weird." Draco set the dog down quickly letting it run out of the room. He pulled Harry close kissing him hard scratching lightly down the back of his neck. Harry pulled away biting his neck. "Maybe later love." He said with a smirk walking down to the kitchen. Draco sighed heavily following him. Walking in they saw Lucius baby talking the puppy. Honestly at this point Lucius wasn't intimidating to Harry even in the slightest. The man was just a big teddy bear full of love and life. How he committed any of the crimes Harry would never understand. "We still have to name her." Harry said to Draco with a small smile. "As long as you don't name her after an ex of yours I don't care." Draco didn't want to admit that he already thought the thing was cute. Especially not after Harry saying he'd absolutely adore her. Harry tilted his head thinking about it. He never thought he'd actually get a dog, so he never decided on a name. Draco glanced at him. "What about Persephone? Don't give me that look Greek mythology is interesting." So that explains why the Slytherin was excited about the snake wanting to be called Nyx. "Could we call her Ne-Ne for short?" Draco gave him his best bitchface. "Absolutely not Potter and if you even try I'll murder you, it's bad enough we've gotten a puppy rather than a dog." Lucius watched the two bickering with a small smile. That is until he felt slither over his foot. "Ah!" Draco looked away with a guilty expression. 'Oh right we didn't mention the snake.' He glanced back seeing his father in the chair holding the dog closely to his chest. "Wait is your dad scared of snakes?" "Yes." "No." Draco and Lucius answered at the same time. Lucius glared the best he could at the younger Slytherin from the chair. Harry walked out of the room before bellowing with laughter. He quit after a few seconds, but as he walked back in started chuckling. "The most Slytherin person I know aside from Draco and you're scared of snakes." He leaned down looking at Nyx under the table. "Leave him be Nyx no matter how funny it is." Draco ultimately looked uncomfortable, and Lucius could tell why. The snake slithered it's way up Harry's arm settling around his neck. "Fine, but you owe me a rat. You should probably help your boyfriend as well, he looks as if he wants t-" Harry interrupted the snake quickly after a glance towards Draco. "Do not finish that sentence regardless of me being the only one who can understand you." Harry hissed out quickly. Lucius smirked at Draco with a knowing look. Then it quickly turned to confused and almost worrisome. "No! I didn't realize it was a thing when I was 12, and no it wasn't a thing when Voldemort did it either!" Lucius smirked slightly putting his hands up in defense before walking out of the room.

"It was kind of a thing when I was 12, but I swear Potter if you tell anyone." Harry rolled his eyes with a smile. Now all the sexual tension in third year made sense to him. He tilted his head to the side looking at Slytherin. "So not only have you liked me, but you've been thinking of ways to Slytherin in my bed for ten years?" Harry chuckled at his own pun. However Draco didn't look amused even slightly. "Trust me liking you is definitely not by choice, besides you were attracted to Oliver Wood." Harry's eyes widened and he started shaking his head. "No, there's absolutely no way you can know that! Hermione never even figured that out!" Draco smirked at him pulling him close. "I could tell anyone almost anything about you. What you like, what you hate, your favorites, and I can almost always tell what you want me to do to you in bed." Harry crossed his arms staring at him. "Prove it Malfoy." Draco kissed him biting his lip and sucking on it gently. "You had a thing for Cedric too in fourth year. That was more school boy crush than anything, but it pissed me off. You get off on being told what to do and how to do it, but you hate it at the same time. You're a bottom, but hate feeling like you don't have as much control. If you feel like something could do harm you get excited. Fucking masochist. You're confusing to please sexually. At least for anyone else you are, because the truth is you don't know what you want. You would also lie about liking something you don't just to please the other person. It's kind of sad really. You're so willing and experimental, I don't think there's anything you wouldn't do. Oh and of course you absolutely love when I do this." Draco kissed his jaw in a line and then nibbled on his earlobe gently. The raven groaned softly pulling him closer by the waist. The Slytherin moved kissing down his neck sucking on marks that were already there. Harry gripped his hair tilting his neck to give the blonde more access. However Draco pulled away. "Told you."

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