Chapter 24

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Harry did go to The Burrow the next day along with Draco. Molly had made snacks even though she didn't expect anyone to be very hungry. There was a dreary feeling in the air and everyone could feel it. All the Weasley kids had spent the night before scattered throughout the house. Hermione and Fleur had also spent the night.

Fleur cared deeply for Harry and held a high respect for what he had done for her and the wizarding world. The news upset her greatly. The Slytherin and the Gryffindor walked in, they didn't plan on staying long. Sirius had wanted to see Harry later on after he got home from work. The raven-haired boy was engulfed in a hug from Molly. "Now I've got some pumpkin pasties, treacle tart, and a small variety of sandwiches in the kitchen dear. Go ahead and help yourself." She kissed his cheek gently and turned to Draco hugging him too. "You as well Draco, just make yourself at home." Ron looked up as they entered the kitchen, Harry was surprised to find he wasn't eating. Instead he sat with Hermione both with a cuppa in front of them. "Don't mind mom, she's been doing housework since I don't know what time this morning. Didn't even give us all chores, said she'd rather do it herself. When we tried helping her she shooed us away." Harry sighed softly, he knew that was how Molly dealt with stress or tough situations. Which is exactly the thing he hadn't wanted to cause. Fleur made her way into the kitchen smiling wide at Harry. "I am so glad to see you again Harry." She said in her not as heavy as it used to be French accent. She wrapped her arms tightly around him in a hug and kissed his cheeks. He hugged her back just as tightly
"I'm glad to see you too Fleur. How has Gabrielle been?" Fleur shook her head simply and rubbed his arm. The woman knew Harry was one to deflect from anything about him as long as he possibly could. However she wouldn't let him do that with her. "How have you been Harry? Are you alright?" Harry glanced at Draco who was talking with Ron and Hermione at the table. He pulled Fleur aside just out of earshot, he knew he could get away with lying to them about how well he'd been dealing with it. He knew Fleur though, and she'd be the last person to let him distract from him being a topic of interest. That and he knew she wouldn't over-exaggerate or worry too much. "Not exactly. If I'm being honest not really at all, when I knew I was going to die during the fight with Voldemort it was set. I knew exactly what would happen, but now I have no clue what I'm walking into Fleur. I have to hold it together for everyone else's sake, you've seen how everyone's responded. Nobody is telling me what's really going on in their heads, and I can tell that's it not fine. This is why I didn't want to say anything in the first place, because everyone is responding like this." He wiped the few years that had fallen down his face quickly. He hoped the blonde wouldn't look at him with pity, and as he looked up he found he hadn't set his hopes too high. "I think you should tell them that you need to know, that it hurts that you don't. I'm so sorry that you are going through this Harry." The Gryffindor gave her a small melancholic smile. She wrapped her arms gently around him again and then walked away. Lucky she did at that moment, because if not Ginny would have ran into her at full force. She crashed into Harry with a tight hug. He laughed softly hugging her back. Though as she pulled away slapped him across the face. "Harry James Potter so help me Merlin if you ever keep something like that from me again I will kick your arse all the way back to 1932!" His face showed the clear confusion he had. Why hadn't she said this to him last night? She noticed the look he was giving her and decided to answer his thoughts. "Well I certainly wasn't going to do that last night, he didn't need to see my temper yet." Harry rolled his eyes with a smile, now it made sense. "Ginny please never change."

Draco was glancing at them from the table obviously jealous. Ron certainly didn't know how to feel about that either. It was weird for him, more than weird actually. Sure he figured Draco was gay pretty early on, and Harry had always stared at Cedric in fourth year a little too long. Though the thought of them together in ways he sure as hell didn't want to think, it seemed well strange. "Trust me mate Harry does not in the slightest still have the hots for Ginny, and even if he did she swore off of him years ago." The Slytherin turned to him shocked, had his jealousy really been that noticeable? That even Ron Weasley could decipher the emotion, the boy who had the emotional range of a paper clip could tell? Though Draco could use this to his advantage now that someone had brought it up aside from Harry. "What happened between them anyway? What could be so bad? They were Hogwarts "It" couple." Ron questioned if he should tell Malfoy of the things that had happened, surely Harry wouldn't mind. Especially since he doesn't even remember over half the details. If he did Harry would have told Draco himself. "It got really bad for him, you know that part. Probably not to the fullest extent, because even Hermione and I didn't know. Ginny was the only who saw about every bad part of him she could take. After everything was over Harry changed drastically. He did some muggle drug called cocaine. He was addicted for months. He wouldn't sleep, he barely ate, he didn't leave his house unless it was to get a dose. He was angry all the time, and when he wasn't angry he was just downright sad. Sirius felt so lost he didn't know what to do. He was put in rehab and he hasn't touched the stuff since, and that was years ago. Something in him snapped when it was all said and done. He doesn't remember his and Ginny's breakup, because he can't. When he was getting sober they said he probably wouldn't stay sober, and he obliviated himself. We were all a lot messed up after the war, but Harry more than most. Everybody was so glad Voldemort was gone, but Harry focused on all the people he couldn't save. I shouldn't have probably told you all of this at once, but I figured you should know. If you're actually going to stick around through all of this you have a right." Draco sat speechless, more than speechless for a good few minutes. Harry had done drugs? That wasn't something he expected, not even a little bit.  He glanced over to where Harry and Ginny were talking, he certainly didn't look like the drug addicts Draco had seen from time to time. Then again his mother nowadays didn't look like the type to pour gin in her morning tea. "Just don't let him fall down that far again, please. He's very empathetic and now that everyone knows about this, I'm worried he might turn back to it even though he doesn't remember." Draco found that task pretty easy to handle, they were moving in together. Whenever Harry wasn't visiting with someone Draco would be at home. Besides the Slytherin was too determined as to not let Harry spend his last months hooked on a drug. No matter what happened he cared too much about the git to sit by and watch him go through that. "I promise I won't."

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