Chapter 2

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Harry had been at Hermione and Ron's when he'd gotten Draco's owl. It was pecking quite distractingly at the window. "Oi who in the bloody hells owl is that?" Ron questioned looking confused as he allowed the owl inside. The owl flew straight to Harry dropping the letter on his lap and started nibbling almost affectionately on his ear. Harry looked up at Ron and spoke softly after a few moments. "Draco's." Ron looked shocked to say the least more so appalled. "Malfoy? What made you start talking to that git? You're not like into him are you?" He sounded almost astounded as he asked as if that was the worst thing possible. See Harry had come out as bi a couple of years ago and everyone was very accepting. Although he hasn't had a relationship since the short time he and Ginny had tried to salvage what they could. They didn't last too long before arguments were a common occurrence and Harry was becoming more and more distant. They had decided to stay friends and it was the best thing they could have done. So when he came out she was also supportive and hoped for him to find someone that made him happy. "We're just trying to be friends, it's nothing more than that Ron." Hermione walked in then smiling softly and stood next to Ron. "I think it's a good thing that you and Draco are putting aside your differences. He's not the same person that he used to be. Shaped by his father I suppose." Harry smiled a bit as he opened the letter and read it quickly.

If you can I'd like you to meet me at the Leaky Cauldron at 5 tomorrow night, we'll apparate to the manor from there

Draco Malfoy

Harry grabbed some parchment and a quill quickly writing a response seeing as the owl was waiting for him to. While scribbling an answer he listened amused to Hermione and Ron. "Since when do you call him Draco instead of Malfoy? Blimey is everyone going insane?!" Hermione rolled her eyes even though her affectionate smile gave away that was she wasn't annoyed in the slightest. "I'll have you know dear I'm quite happy to leave everything we did as mere children behind and start acting with civility." Harry gave the letter to the owl and leaned back on the couch. Ron groaned in response to Hermione, but her and Harry both knew to take it as a reluctant acceptance from knowing him all these years. Harry smirked a little to himself and then looked up at the ginger. "Besides Ron what would do if I was like into him as you put it?" Ron looked astounded at the words his best friend had just spoke. "You being into Draco Malfoy? Where in the world would that ever be even the slightest bit believable? H-he's Malfoy!" Hermione was amused as she sat down next to Harry while crossing her arms. She spoke the next words with a playful, but almost truthful tone. "Honestly Ron that's the exact reason that they would date. They're so contradicting to each other the relationship would always be something new while also having a consistent play of events." Ron shook his head trying to get rid of the image of his best mate snogging Malfoy. He looked disgusted as he couldn't seem to picture anything else. Harry laughed softly until he let his next words out. "Yeah right, like I would date Malfoy of all people." He went a little quiet as he thought about how much the platinum haired boy hadn't been as much of a nuisance as expected. Harry would never speak of what he thought next out loud, at least not yet.

Draco read Harry's letter over quickly with a smile

Always with the formalities aren't you? Yes, I'll be there. I'll have to say I wasn't expecting your owl so soon, is someone urgent in seeing me again? Nevermind that, you can tell all about it tomorrow night

Harry (obviously)

Draco sat there thinking the words in the letter over and over. Draco was gay, he'd known that for years. His parents of course had their assumptions as well, his father especially. Both his parents took very different stances on it. His mother had wanted him married off to a proper and pureblood woman. Pansy Parkinson being the first of her many interests. His father however had told him he just wanted him to love whoever it was he chose of either gender. Anyone who saw the Malfoy's would believe that it was Lucius who was the worse parent, but aside from serving the dark lord he had always been the better of Draco's parents. He loved both Draco and Narcissa more than anything, but had to keep up appearance. Narcissa wasn't a bad parent, she just wasn't as supportive when it came to Draco as Lucius was. In fact the Malfoy's were quite a loving family, the elders just sucked with morals and choices at times. Draco wasn't sure about how his father would feel towards him being interested in the Harry Potter. Not even interested really, just curious. Draco pondered through a lot of his thoughts while he held the letter. Of course he knew about Harry's bisexuality, the whole wizarding world did. That didn't mean anything would come out of the social interactions between the two. Besides it was Potter for Merlin's sake. Draco needed to talk to someone about this, he must have been of the verge of a nervous breakdown of sorts. With that thought he owled one of his most loyal friends Blaise Zabini asking him to apparate to the manor as quickly as he could.

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