Chapter 3

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Draco sat on his bed across from Blaise an hour or so later. "Surely I'm not actually interested in the git, it must just be that I'm curious." Blaise looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He wasn't all that surprised about Draco's sudden decision to be friendly with Potter when given the chance. He'd obviously had a thing for the boy who lived for years. The Slytherin was just oblivious. "Draco I think we both know very well it was curious in your younger years, but it's been more than that, for what? Ten years or so now?" Blaise received the glare he had grown used to over the years so much he just shrugged it off. The blonde looked away from him in an ashamed manner. Blaise spoke quickly to ease him a bit. "Its alright if you are interested in him as more than whatever kind of friendship this is. Who knows judging by his letter, I wouldn't say he's far off from feeling the same. That is, if he doesn't already." Draco rubbed his face with his hands groaning and shaking his head. Maybe Blaise was right, I mean it wasn't as if it would be completely far-fetched for Harry to like him. That left him with another question though, why would he? Draco knew he was an insufferable prat a good amount of the time, and it wasn't as if he'd been all that nice to green eyed Gryffindor before, he was certainly quite a git to the boys' two best friends. "Should I," Draco paused, "Should I talk to him about it, or ask him about it?" Blaise considered his question for a second. "If it comes up then go along with it, but I wouldn't bring it up yourself just yet. Not until it's completely obvious and he's completely oblivious. For being one of the greatest wizards of all time, he really is a bit dim isn't he?" Draco could only laugh in response glad he had Blaise as a friend in a time like this.

Harry sat in the Leaky Cauldron at a little after a quarter or so to 5. He was nervous and he wondered if that was reflected onto his face. He was wearing a simple muggle outfit that consisted of jeans and a simple shirt (aka the one we see in every fucking movie). Then he realized as he sat waiting on Draco maybe he should have worn something a little less comfortable. In his defence he'd gotten so used to just dressing simple. Jeans and sweatpants were quite a favorite of his along with a slightly loose fitting t-shirt. "Harry." He looked up and saw draco standing there in clothes much like his own. Black skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt. To say the least Harry was utterly shocked. "Since when have you taken to wearing muggle clothes?" Draco rolled his eyes with a small smile. "It's nice to know I can shock you just by wearing a pair of jeans, you know I'm not the blood prejudice git I acted like. I do think however we should be cautious with muggle-borns seeing as they can cause trouble if they were to tell their muggle friends and such." Harry tilted his head thinking about it for a few seconds. "You know, you do actually have a point, and surely some muggleborn has done it over a summer." Draco shrugged a little taking in Harry's features. The green eyed boy was in fact quite attractive. He filled out nicely since their days in Hogwarts, and he was attractive then as well. He realized then he had been staring and blushed just slightly. He also realized Harry had said something, or asked him something during his staring as well. "Sorry, what was that?" Harry gave him a knowing look, but repeated himself anyway. "I asked what you have planned exactly, since we're supposedly apparating to your manor." Draco searched his face for any disdain towards him, and smiled softly when he found none. He held out his arm with a smirk. "That's for you to find out isn't it?" Harry rolled his eyes, but put his arm in Draco's. He ignored the seeming electricy buzzing through them as he spoke again. "Just know that I don't fancy being locked up like a slave." He laughed softly as the appeared in front of the manor. "Yes, because I'd make you the slave. You'd be a horrible slave, and with your Gryffindor bravery you'd find a way to piss off whoever owned you more than 15 times a day." Harry pouted slightly up at Draco in fake hurt. He covered his chest dramatically with his hand. "So you'd sell me off just like That? I'm offended Draco I thought we had something special." They both laughed hard for a couple seconds gasping for air, and as they looked at each other again their red faces grew even more red. There was a tension that wasn't there before. Harry liked Draco's laugh as much as he liked the rest of him. He found it weird to adore something that simple so much. Maybe it was just because he wasn't used to hearing it. Harry knew it ran deeper than that, but he didn't even know if Draco was gay or bi, or whatever else there was. He had hit on straight wizards before, but being the Harry Potter nobody minded. He hated that at times, guys would come up to him showing interest and faking being gay. It drove him insane, all because he was famous. He hated that too. He decided to ask Draco, but not yet. Draco was leading him through the manor. He looked around genuinely impressed and curious. He knew Draco had money, but not like this. "You've never been here other than... have you?" Harry shook his head slowly, before speaking low. "Do you still think about it? The war?" Draco was astounded by Harry's straight forwardness of the war. He settled on an answer he knew would keep the topic off the table. "Don't you?"

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