Chapter 23

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Draco tapped on the door gently to his bedroom. Ron and Hermione both looked at him. Ron hated to admit, but the sight of Draco so obviously heartbroken made him feel so much sympathy at once he nearly choked on it. Hermione stood grabbing the redheads hand walking out of the room. "I wasn't sure you'd want to talk to me ever again." Draco crawled into the bed pulling Harry down so he was laying next to him and cuddled into him. "I wasn't sure I would either, so talk. I didn't give you a chance to answer much earlier. Also you should thank my mother for this." Harry took the blonde's left arm and traced the mark gently. He supposed it made it easier to talk to Draco about things he would rather not. The Slytherin had grown used to it over the months and didn't even bother using anything to cover it around Harry. "I started getting really bad headaches about a month in, and normally that's something I'd ignore. Something just told me I shouldn't, and so a couple weeks later I went to a muggle hospital to avoid a bunch of press and pestering questions. They suspected it was just migraines at first, but they asked all these questions just to make sure. They ran a couple tests and two weeks later called me in for the results. It didn't exactly hit me at first, I mean being told I'm going to die is such a common occurrence. I went to Madame Pomfrey, because I wasn't sure what cures magic had to offer. None for this is apparently the answer to that question. She swore she wouldn't say anything to anyone. No, seeing you at The Three Broomsticks wasn't coincidence at all. I wanted to patch things over, I didn't expect this. When you know you're going to die I think you start living more than you have before. I was going to tell you eventually I think. I just I wanted it so badly to not be fucked up. I know it's selfish, if I had just not owled you back or not kissed you you'd have a boyfriend who isn't dying. At least not so soon anyway. I never meant to be selfish like that with you." Draco shook his head quickly wiping away his tears. If anything Draco believed it was fair for Harry to selfish, the boy spent so much of his life doing everything for others and never for himself. The blonde spoke softly looking at Harry's fingers still tracing the mark. "The only boyfriend I want is you. I'm glad you owled me, and I'm even more glad that you kissed me. Not fucked up though really? You're tracing a mark given to me from the man who killed you, and I'm letting you. Potter we are fucked up, we're so fucked up sometimes it doesn't make sense. Sometimes I'm left wondering what I'm doing and why I'm letting this happen. Then I look at your damn smile and it all makes sense somehow. The feeling you give me is like being in the garden when I was little, and it's something I haven't felt in so long I didn't even know how much I craved to have it back. You showing up in The Three Broomsticks is the best thing that's ever happened to me regardless of what comes next or later. Kissing me right here on this bed is still going to be one of my favorite memories for the rest of my life. This changes things, but it doesn't change us. You're not getting rid of me that easily Harry. Don't even start talking about how it's not fair to me and don't give me that bullshit move on speech either. You're the most selfless person I know, but you're selfish when it comes to me it's one of the things I love seeing, no one else does just me. Besides I wouldn't listen anyway." Harry turned to him holding his face and kissed him as if his life depended on it. Draco kissed him back holding him as close as possible.

Harry and Draco walked back down to the dining room a few minutes later. Everyone was still there not surprisingly. "Harry, what's going on? Is everything alright dear?" Molly asked as she walked over quickly holding his face. Draco placed his hand on the small of her back gesturing to the table. She sat confused along with everyone except Narcissa, Hermione, Ron, and Draco. Harry stood there wondering about what would happen if he didn't say anything instead. Draco leaned close kissing his cheek and whispering. "You have to tell them." Harry sighed nodding and took the Slytherin's hand glancing at everyone. "I have an agressive brain cancer, Glioblastoma. There's no known cure, and if I'm being honest I wasn't sure I was going to tell anyone this soon. I have an estimated 6 to 12 months to live, it just depends on how rapidly it grows and how long I can fight it off. I know I should have told everyone sooner, but I couldn't stand the thought of you all worrying so much about me."

An hour and a half or so later everyone had left. Harry had promised to visit The Burrow tomorrow, but he was physically and emotionally drained and needed Draco and sleep. When the two entered Draco's bedroom the Gryffindor stripped down throwing on a pair of "Draco's" sweatpants and slid into bed. Draco followed his actions sitting next to him. "Can we get a dog together?" The Slytherin raised his eyebrow glancing at the black-haired boy. He set his alarm and got under the covers laying down. "A dog?" Harry smiled softly. "You know those things that bark and cuddle. They're kind of like a miniature version of you come to think of it." Draco rolled his eyes, thinking about it. What harm would it do? Besides dogs were cute and loveable. "Or if you'd rather we could get a snake, then I don't have to guess what it wants. All I would have to do is ask." Draco smiled softly, he really liked that idea. The sex part of his mind definitely did too. So Draco didn't hesitate with his answer at all. "What if we got both? As long as wherever we move into allows pets." Harry snapped his head to look at him quickly. He was almost certain he had heard wrong. "Move into?" The Gryffindor asked just above a whisper. Draco gave him a playful smile nodding. "It's where you pack all your stuff from where you live and put it in another house and then you live there. We would move our stuff at the same time, put it in the same house, and then live there together." Harry smiled brightly nodding excitedly. He was practically buzzing with joy. Draco smiled wide relieved that Harry hadn't said no. Draco had decided he was going to spend every possible moment with Harry. So when Harry finally fell sound asleep Draco inched his way out of bed and started writing a letter. He was quitting whether the Gryffindor wanted him to or not. He was the best healer they had and if he didn't find a cure he could always go back when he was ready. Draco finished writing quickly and sent his owl. He looked over at the Gryffindor on his bed and a walked out of his room as quietly as possible. He needed tea, or maybe something stronger. He walked downstairs into the kitchen finding both of his parents sitting at the island. Lucius gave him a melancholic smile as he entered. "Hey Dragon. Do you need something?" The young blonde stood there for a few seconds. What had he come down for? "I-I don't know." He started crying softly until he was a sobbing mess. His parents quickly stood pulling him into a hug. Narcissa and Lucius had absolutely no clue what to do. They were at a loss, how could they possibly help him get through this? The youngest Slytherin pulled away from them slowly. "I should g-go back to Harry." Narcissa shook her head. "Not like this you shouldn't Dray. Come on we can have a cuppa and talk like we used to when you were little and couldn't sleep." Lucius called for the house elf Tinky and they sat at the island talking and drinking their tea.

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