Chapter 39

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Harry got worse as the weeks went by, they knew he didn't have long and whenever Harry wasn't awake Draco was searching even more frantically for a cure. Hermione researched for any cases of cancer being cured by magic, but so far had no luck. The support group had no clue what to say to the blonde, he always seemed too close to the edge. Luna had spoken to magical healers from all over the world, they all said the same thing. If it was possible they never found a cure and no hope for it either. Neville had read every herbology book he could find, at least twice. Snape tested potion after potion. Everyone was in overdrive, except for Harry. He was more than drained physically nowadays. The potions Snape originally made quit working all together and had started to make it worse. He quit taking them. Ron had never known he could feel such emotion, but watching his best friend deteriorate in front of him ruined him. Narcissa started looking at the stars every night pleading for a miracle, she was worried about her boys. Lucius joined her from time to time, but would never admit that he was pleading too. None of the Weasley children took chores anymore, Molly needed the distraction. What was once done by the family and magic she now did by hand and alone. Sirius was working all the time and when he wasn't he was taking shot after shot. Now he truly would be the last living Marauder. Pansy spent a lot of time at Draco and Harry's, she and Draco held each other as they both sobbed. Minerva visited as often as she could telling Harry stories of his father and mother. Dudley visited too, along with Nina sometimes. The youngest Dursley had looked through a lot of muggle techniques, Harry wouldn't try any.

Harry was laying in bed, like he did most of the time nowadays. He could practically feel the days being numbered. Draco was laying next to him. "Draco, I'm out of time. I don't have long left, we can both feel it." Draco started messing with his shirt before looking at the Gryffindor. He shook his head slowly. "No we can still find something, I can find something, or Severus can. Damnit Harry you're not dead yet." The raven looked at him with a small sad smile. He knew the blonde probably wouldn't give up, but he couldn't stand seeing him like this. So he was going to try at the very least. "Draco please, just please I need you to be here. Not just physically." The blonde sighed softly looking at him. He noticed the weight loss, and the sunken in cheeks. The once bright eyes taken over by a dull lifeless haze. He knew that he was still Harry though, and that's what mattered. He knew there was nothing else to do but give in. So he held Harry in his arms kissing his head. They shared a soft kiss and Harry rubbed the blonde's cheek slowly. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and when I'm gone I want you to deal with this healthily. Please try at least? I know I'm asking for a lot, but I need to know you'll at least be sane. I need to know that you'll be okay eventually." The Slytherin stared into his eyes. "I'll be sane eventually, and I'll try. I'll keep going to counseling and living. I won't shut everyone out. I don't want to move on though Harry. Not to some dramatic extent, I don't care to love someone else and I don't want someone to try and replace you. You're it for me, and you're always going to be it."

Harry died two days later at 11:56am his body finally caved. Draco knew he had to tell someone, and he sent a scribble of an owl to Severus. Severus was in the dungeons testing one last potion when he got the owl. He rushed to the house to find Draco sobbing over Harry holding him tightly. The scene was almost all too familiar. "Draco, Draco breathe. Calm down." The older Slytherin said trying to soothe the youngest Malfoy. "No, no! It's not fair! It's not fair!" Snape pulled him away holding him close. Draco pushed and fought against, but eventually broke down against his godfather's chest. Severus was glad he'd already written to the Weasleys. He knew someone would be competent enough to notify everyone else. At least he hoped. So he held Draco tightly as the boy cried against him. His own tears fell silently and went unnoticed by him.

Within a mere 30 minutes everyone had arrived at the house. Lucius had firecalled Shaklebolt explaining the situation so he could be there for his son. What else could Shaklebolt do except grant permission? He owed Harry and he knew this was one way to pay back that debt. So Lucius and Narcissa held their son as he sobbed as they had many times before, but this time they weren't sure they would ever be able to fix it. Sirius sat in a corner he was in denial. How could he outlive a kid? How had he managed to live longer than his best friend's son?

They had notified the wizarding coroner a few minutes ago. Draco walked silently into his and Harry's bedroom. He sat on the bed grabbing  Harry's hand. He tried holding back a sob, but failed miserably. "I knew he shouldn't have gotten involved with you, I told him as soon as I found out about you two." Draco looked at his godfather confused. "What do you mean? Why would you tell him not to?" Severus stared at the blonde, and knew he shouldn't have said anything. Though Draco stood quickly. "Severus why would you tell him to stay away?" Snape knew that he couldn't ignore the question now. He sighed heavily glancing at Harry's lifeless body. "I knew, he told me months before he told anyone else about the cancer." Draco stared at him in a quiet shock. "So you didn't fucking tell anyone? You didn't, y-you could have." He stopped mid sentence glancing at Harry. He visibly shook and objects went flying around the room. He fell to his knees shaking with sobs. Suddenly an envelope with his name printed in Harry's obvious handwriting fell into his lap.

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